Awesome. I knew there were basho optimizations. Just wondering if there was 
parity. Cool!


Sent from my iRotaryPhone

> On Jan 27, 2014, at 17:53, Matthew Von-Maszewski <> wrote:
> P.S.  I failed to include the link to the wiki page that discusses each of 
> Basho's optimizations for the Riak environment:
>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 8:49 PM, Matthew Von-Maszewski <> 
>> wrote:
>> Basho's leveldb requirements have lead to different optimizations.  Facebook 
>> has a captive hardware environment and usage case that does not match ours.  
>> I am not saying their changes are better or worse, only different.
>> Basho needs:
>> - multiple databases running simultaneously:  6 to 64
>> - support for slow solitary SATA drives all the way to rocking' fast 
>> FusionIO PCI arrays
>> - fast disaster recovery / repair
>> - aggressive delete logic to help remove large chunks of deleted data now 
>> instead of next year
>> - (and a few things still not unleashed in Riak 2.0)
>> So our compaction strategy has come a long way:  from Google's original 
>> single thread to a thread pool that can run simultaneous companions on the 
>> same database as well as other databases.  We have a dedicated thread that 
>> constantly computes the speed of the local array and gradually manipulates 
>> each write request to prevent Google's designed stall … maximizing total 
>> throughput for the simultaneous databases while maintaining a constant user 
>> experience.  And in between all that, we have retuned the skip list, the 
>> bloom filter, and integrated Intel's hardware CRC assembly code.
>> That is what meets Riak's needs.  
>> Matthew
>>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 6:05 PM, Alexander Sicular <> wrote:
>>> Hey Basho gang,
>>> Have you all taken any sort of look at FB's leveldb fork, rocksdb, 
>>> Just watching Dhruba's video it seems like it may be a 
>>> useful upgrade, 
>>>  The main talking points seems to be that rocksdb upgrades leveldb such 
>>> that it is more efficient when storing data more than system ram, has more 
>>> efficient access patternsto take advantage of ssd's and has a better 
>>> compaction story.
>>> Care to share your thoughts?
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Alexander Sicular
>>> @siculars
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