Hi Russell,

Thank you for the code, it worked like a charm.

Warm regards,

On 01/23/2014 11:59 PM, Russell Brown wrote:
Hi Bryce,

Sorry about this, and thanks for the detailed info. I do need to add MapReduce 
friendly functions.

On 23 Jan 2014, at 23:51, Bryce Verdier <bryceverd...@gmail.com> wrote:

Thank you both Eric & Russeli for the answer, sadly it leads to more questions. 
Regardless of the type (though I can say in this case the counters were pushed from 
the python 2.0.2 client, so I assume its riak_dt_pncounter)
It is a riak_kv_pncounter, I don’t think any of the clients support the new API 
end points (bucket types) so you’ll be using the 1.4 counter.

I get this error:
That binary (<<69,1,71…>>) says CRDT(69), Version 1(1), riak_kv_pncounter (71). The error 
says that erlang is trying to apply the Module, Function, Arguments of 
<<“riak_kv_pncounter”>>, new, []. But modules need to be atoms.

Just to help, this is my erlang MR code:
value(RiakObject, _KeyData, _Arg) ->
    Key   = riak_object:key(RiakObject),
    Count = riak_kv_crdt:value(RiakObject, <<"riak_kv_pncounter">>),
Type needs to be an atom, as it is the module name (so riak_kv_pncounter). 
Also, the return value is now a tuple of

     {{Context :: binary(), Value :: term()}, Stats :: proplist()}. You 
probably only want the Value bit. So:

     {{_Ctx, Count}, _Stats} = riak_kv_crdt:value(RiakObject, 

Should be what you need, let me know if that works, please?



    [ {Key, Count} ].

What am I doing wrong? I can't seem to figure it out... I'm sure its something 
simple thing I'm just not seeing.

Thanks again,

On 01/23/2014 01:07 PM, Russell Brown wrote:
On 23 Jan 2014, at 20:51, Eric Redmond <eredm...@basho.com> wrote:

For version 1.4 counters, riak_kv_pncounter. For 2.0 CRDT counters, 
As in, if the data was written in 1.4, or in 2.0 using the legacy, backwards 
compatible 1.4 API endpoints, the the type is risk_kv_pncounter. If the counter 
is 2.0, bucket types counter, then risk_dt_pncounter.

Really, we need to re-introduce the riak_kv_counter module for backwards 
compatibility, and add some friendly `value’ functions to risk_kv_crdt. I’m 
opening an issue for just this now.

The other option is to include the riak_kv_types.hrl and use the macros 
?MAP_TYPE, ?SET_TYPE, ?V1_COUNTER_TYPE, ?COUNTER_TYPE for now, and assume that 
we’ll have some helper functions for MapReduce in before 2.0.




On Jan 23, 2014, at 3:44 PM, Bryce Verdier <bryceverd...@gmail.com> wrote:

In 1.4 there was just the simple function riak_kv_counters:value. In 2.0 I found the 
riak_kv_crdt module, which has a value function in it. But I'm not sure what 
"type" to use for second value argument for a counter.

Can someone share that with me?

Thanks in advance,

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