Hi Bryce,

Responses are line below.


On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 3:49 PM, Bryce Verdier <bryceverd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> How does one change the default bucket properties in riak2?

`n_val` of the default bucket properties can be set with


If there are other default bucket properties that you need to
override, you can create an `advanced.config` and just add the subset
of the old `app.config` you need.

> How does one change the number of simultaneous PB connections?

`pb_backlog` can be set with `riak_api.pb_backlog`


> How does one change the bitcask properties, e.g. expirey_secs?

`expiry_secs` can be set with `bitcask.expiry_secs`


> I'm sorry if this was already discussed in other emails, I wasn't able to
> find it.
> Thanks in advance!
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