Riak CS outputs Apache httpd style log to /var/log/riak-cs/access.log
. Tailing it with logstash or whatever at every Riak CS server would
make it much easier. The good point of tailing the log file is that
you don't have to set up other servers.

On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 11:23 PM, red sky <skyre...@yahoo.fr> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> i want to build a statistics email marketing application and i want to use
> riak cs (as cdn) for storing the html/css/images files.
> for this i need to 'count all the ressources of the bucket that have been
> accessed '. I am using s3 api to prorammaticly store my object(i am using
> python/django):
>>>> from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection
>>>> conn =
>>>> S3Connection(aws_access_key_id='DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD',aws_secret_access_key='DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD',is_secure=False,port='8080',host='xx.host.com')
>>>> b = conn.create_bucket('testpython')
>>>> k = Key(b)
>>>> k.key = 'jdk upload file'
>>>> k.set_contents_from_filename('/home/data/jdk-6u45-linux-x64.bin')
> so my idea is code an application in django and intercept all the urls that
> will be accessed, and then i will have to somehow increment statistics of my
> accessed files.
> Do you have any idea how to achive this through riak or riak cs API ?
> And thanks for your help.
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Kota UENISHI / @kuenishi
Basho Japan KK

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