Ok, thanks for confirming!

Is it normal, that this action affects the overall state of the cluster? On
the 26th It started the regeneration and the the response times of the
cluster raised to never seen values. It was a day of heavy traffic but
everything was going quite ok until it started the regeneration process..

Have you got any advices about changing those app.config values? My cluster
is running smoothly for the past 6 months and I don't want to start all
over again :)

Best Regards

On 27 December 2013 18:56, Matthew Von-Maszewski <matth...@basho.com> wrote:

> Yes.  Confirmed.
> There are options available in app.config to control how often this occurs
> and how many vnodes rehash at once:  defaults are every 7 days and two
> vnodes per server at a time.
> Matthew Von-Maszewski
> On Dec 27, 2013, at 13:50, Edgar Veiga <edgarmve...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> I've been trying to find what may be the cause of this.
> Every once in a week, all the nodes in my riak cluster start to do some
> kind of operation that lasts at least for two days.
> You can watch a sample of my munin logs regarding the last week in here:
> https://cloudup.com/imWiBwaC6fm
> Take a look at the days 19 and 20, and now it has started again on the
> 26...
> I'm suspecting that this may be caused by the aae hash trees being
> regenerated, as you say in your documentation:
> For added protection, Riak periodically (default: once a week) clears and
> regenerates all hash trees from the on-disk K/V data.
> Can you confirm me that this may be the root of the "problem" and if it's
> normal for the action to last for two days?
> I'm using riak 1.4.2 on 6 machines, with centOS. The backend is levelDB.
> Best Regards,
> Edgar Veiga
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