Hi Timo,

Since you have the original ring from the node, all you should have to
do is replace the drive, bring Riak up using the same settings as
before (in app.config/vm.args), and use the method here to force
read-repair to repopulate the data:


Note that this operation could be expensive so it's best to do it
during an off-peak time. If transfers are taking too much time, you
can use the "riak-admin transfer-limit" command to increase transfer
Luke Bakken

On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 10:59 AM, Timo Gatsonides <t...@me.com> wrote:
> I’m looking for advice what the best way forward would be with a failed 
> drive. I have a cluster of 6 machines. The data partition (not including the 
> ring file, only the LevelDB data) is on a separate drive. On one of the 
> servers that drive has crashed and is replaced by a new drive.
> What would be the best way to recover (the server still thinks it’s part of 
> the cluster but obviously doesn’t really have any partitions)? Do a 
> “force-remove”, immediately (or some? time later) followed by a “join” again?
> Kind regards,
> Timo
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