> 2) You could set your default backend in the confgs to use multi-backend. 
> When it comes time to age out your data, you can switch the backend on a 
> bucket by bucket basis and hope for the best. This isn't supported or tested 
> by Basho (as far as I know), so you'll be on your own on this one.

Worse than unsupported, it simply won’t work. Once the backend is changed on a 
bucket, Riak will no longer know how to find the old data.

Rather than trying to migrate data, think about whether you can write the data 
twice on arrival: once to a bucket with bitcask with an appropriate expiry 
value, and once to a bucket with leveldb. This may seem wasteful, but will be 
far simpler, and the extra capacity can be handled by just adding more servers.


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