After looking at this again, I think the real problem is that fact that I'm
using map reduce. The Riak java client does not support simple search but
only search map reduce. At this point, I think the only good way to really
use Riak search from Java is to use a solr client and point it to the Riak
Solr interface. Any thoughts?

On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 2:08 PM, Roger Diller <
> wrote:

> Ok, I'm not exactly sure what will be most helpful to you, but I am
> attaching an example of a Key/Value.
> What you see in the file, we would have thousands of those. Probably would
> get to at least a million or so KV's like that.
> The bucket is search enabled, so all those JSON fields are going to be
> indexed.
> However, we are primarily search filtering on the systemId, indexId, &
> fullText fields in the value.
> We currently have a 6 node cluster with each server having approx 16 cores
> & in most cases at least 10 GB (20 GB free on most servers probably) free
> memory with all the process running (including Riak). Computing power
> should not be an issue period!
> Let me know what use that would be useful to provide.
> On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Todd Tyree <> wrote:
>> Hi Roger,
>> Sorry, meant to reply to the mailing list, but accidentally replied
>> directly to you.
>> Before I can say whether or not secondary indexes are suitable, I need to
>> know more about your data, access patterns and query patterns.
>> Can you share this information with me here?  What kind of data is being
>> searched and how frequently is it updated?
>> Best,
>> Todd
>>  On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 5:05 PM, Roger Diller <
>>> wrote:
>>>  Do you have any other suggestions on how we can find data in real time
>>> from a bucket (without moving to 2.0)? What about secondary indexes?
>>> On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 11:59 AM, Todd Tyree <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Roger,
>>>> You are essentially correct in that map reduce was never designed as a
>>>> realtime query tool.
>>>> However, we do have a solution in a technology preview release stage
>>>> that may solve this problem for you: Yokozuna [0].  It is a tight
>>>> integration of Riak and Solr and brings the best of both technologies
>>>> together.
>>>> It is currently scheduled for release as part of Riak 2.0, but you can
>>>> clone the repo and build it now if you would like.  Just be aware it is
>>>> still undergoing development and the API may be subject to change before
>>>> the final release.
>>>> [0]
>>>> Best,
>>>> Todd
>> On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Roger Diller <
>>> wrote:
>>> I could dig up all our nitty gritty Riak details but I don't think that
>>> will help really.
>>> The point I think is this: Using search map reduce is not a viable way
>>> to do real time search queries. Especially ones that may have 2000+ plus
>>> results each. Couple that with search requests coming in every few seconds
>>> from 300+ customer app instances and you literally bring Riak to it's
>>> knees.
>>> Not that Riak is the problem really, it's just we are using it in a way
>>> it was not designed for. In essence, we are using Riak as a search engine
>>> for our application data. Correct me if I'm wrong but Riak is more for
>>> storing large amounts of KV data, but not really for finding that data in a
>>> search sense.
>>> Am I missing something here? Is there a viable way for doing real time
>>> search queries on a bucket with 1 million keys?
>>> On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 5:29 PM, Alexander Sicular 
>>> <>wrote:
>>>> More info please...
>>>> Version
>>>> Current config
>>>> Hardware
>>>> Data size
>>>> Search Schema
>>>> Etc.
>>>> But I would probably say that your search is returning too many keys to
>>>> your mr. More inline.
>>>> @siculars
>>>> Sent from my iRotaryPhone
>>>> On Nov 18, 2013, at 13:59, Roger Diller <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Using the Riak Java client, I am executing a search map reduce like
>>>> this:
>>>> MapReduceResult result = riakClient.mapReduce(SEARCH_BUCKET,
>>>> search).execute();
>>>> ^is this part a typo. Cause otherwise it looks like you do a s>mr, set
>>>> the search and then another s>mr.
>>>> String search = "systemId:" + systemName + " AND indexId:" + indexId;
>>>> MapReduceResult result = riakClient.mapReduce(SEARCH_BUCKET,
>>>> search).execute();
>>>> This worked fine when the bucket contained a few thousand keys. Now
>>>> that we have far more data stored in the bucket (at least 250K keys), it's
>>>> throwing this generic error:
>>>> com.basho.riak.client.RiakException:
>>>> {"error":"map_reduce_error"}
>>>> We've also noticed that storing new key/values in the bucket has slowed
>>>> WAY down.
>>>> Any idea what's going on?
>>>> Your data set is incorrectly sized to your production config.
>>>> Are there limitations to Search Map Reduce?
>>>> Certainly
>>>> Are there configuration options that need changed?
>>>> Possibly
>>>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>>>> --
>>>> Roger Diller
>>>> Flex Rental Solutions, LLC
>>>> Email:
>>>> Skype: rogerdiller
>>>> Time Zone: Eastern Time
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> riak-users mailing list
>>> --
>>> Roger Diller
>>> Flex Rental Solutions, LLC
>>> Email:
>>> Skype: rogerdiller
>>> Time Zone: Eastern Time
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> riak-users mailing list
>> --
>> *Todd Tyree*
>> Client Services Engineer Basho <>
>> mobile: +44(0)7861 220 182
>> web:
>> github: tatyree <>
> --
> Roger Diller
> Flex Rental Solutions, LLC
> Email:
> Skype: rogerdiller
> Time Zone: Eastern Time

Roger Diller
Flex Rental Solutions, LLC
Skype: rogerdiller
Time Zone: Eastern Time
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