Thanks again, Kelly, for your response.

I continued playing with things last night and
updated fold_objects_for_list_keys across the nodes to be true and
performed a full roll of the stack, that seems to have sped up the replies.
But, the lol bucket was still returning differing results.

I added the second node to my nginx config and have it load balancing
between the two nodes now, same results. However, I just performed 5-10
recursive get's on the lol bucket and it seems that did the trick. Getting
consistent values in response to the ls:

(10:51:14) [andrew/desktop] ~ $ s3cmd ls s3://lol
                       DIR   s3://lol/kitties/
2013-11-13 14:59     93107   s3://lol/_1
2013-11-13 22:20     84513   s3://lol/kitty.jpg
(10:51:39) [andrew/desktop] ~ $ s3cmd ls s3://lol
                       DIR   s3://lol/kitties/
2013-11-13 14:59     93107   s3://lol/_1
2013-11-13 22:20     84513   s3://lol/kitty.jpg
(10:51:40) [andrew/desktop] ~ $ s3cmd ls s3://lol
                       DIR   s3://lol/kitties/
2013-11-13 14:59     93107   s3://lol/_1
2013-11-13 22:20     84513   s3://lol/kitty.jpg
(10:51:41) [andrew/desktop] ~ $ s3cmd ls s3://lol
                       DIR   s3://lol/kitties/
2013-11-13 14:59     93107   s3://lol/_1
2013-11-13 22:20     84513   s3://lol/kitty.jpg
(10:51:42) [andrew/desktop] ~ $ s3cmd ls s3://lol
                       DIR   s3://lol/kitties/
2013-11-13 14:59     93107   s3://lol/_1
2013-11-13 22:20     84513   s3://lol/kitty.jpg
(10:51:43) [andrew/desktop] ~ $ s3cmd ls s3://lol
                       DIR   s3://lol/kitties/
2013-11-13 14:59     93107   s3://lol/_1
2013-11-13 22:20     84513   s3://lol/kitty.jpg

I was wondering how I can tune against issues like this, but keep the same
performance that's currently in place. I'm not very familiar with
performing read-repairs. Look forward to any assistance with this.


On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 10:37 AM, Kelly McLaughlin <> wrote:

> Andrew,
> Are you able to successfully download all the files in the lol bucket? It
> seems like you have some replicas in Riak that do not have copies of all of
> the data from that bucket. That can be resolved in two ways: read-repair or
> active anti-entropy. So I would expect doing a read of each object would
> resolve the issue with differences in bucket listing attempts.
> Another thing I would recommend since you are on the Riak 1.4 series is to
> set fold_objects_for_list_keys to true in your Riak CS app.config. It
> enables improvements to bucket listing that rely on features in Riak 1.4
> and should give you better results.
> I am not certain about the upload issue with the proxy. It does seem like
> a proxy issue since the upload succeeds when performed directly against the
> node, but I am not familiar enough with nginx configuration to spot any
> issues.
> Cheers,
> Kelly
> On November 13, 2013 at 10:24:42 PM, Andrew Tynefield (
> <//>) wrote:
> I appreciate the help Kelly! ( And sorry for the double mail you're going
> to get, accidentally didn't reply to all. ) I've provided the requested
> information below.
>  app.config:
> app.config for riak-cs is managed by puppet, installing the same file on
> both nodes.
> riak-admin data:
>  (10:58:46) [riak] ~ $ riak-admin ring-status
> ================================== Claimant
> ===================================
> Claimant:  ''
> Status:     up
> Ring Ready: true
> ============================== Ownership Handoff
> ==============================
> No pending changes.
> ============================== Unreachable Nodes
> ==============================
> All nodes are up and reachable
> (10:58:54) [riak] ~ $ riak-admin member-status
> ================================= Membership
> ==================================
> Status     Ring    Pending    Node
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> valid      50.0%      --      ''
> valid      50.0%      --      ''
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Valid:2 / Leaving:0 / Exiting:0 / Joining:0 / Down:0
> network data:
>  (11:05:51) [riak] ~ $ ip a | grep /24
>     inet brd scope global eth0
>     inet brd scope global eth1
>  (10:59:43) [riak] ~ $ netstat -tunap | grep :8080
> tcp        0      0      *
>   LISTEN      29437/beam.smp
>  (11:03:20) [riak] ~ $ ps auxf | grep 29437
> root      1507  0.0  0.0 103236   820 pts/4    S+   23:03   0:00
>  \_ grep 29437
> riakcs   29437  0.9  1.8 768480 35364 pts/3    Ssl+ 17:23   3:08  \_
> /usr/lib64/riak-cs/erts-5.9.1/bin/beam.smp -K true -A 64 -W w -- -root
> /usr/lib64/riak-cs -progname riak-cs -- -home /var/lib/riak-cs-control --
> -boot /usr/lib64/riak-cs/releases/1.4.2/riak-cs -config
> /etc/riak-cs/app.config -pa /usr/lib64/riak-cs/lib/basho-patches -name
> -setcookie [redacted] -- console
> nginx config: [added the proxy_pass_header to ensure I was reaching
> riak-cs]
>  upstream riak-cs {
>                 server;
> }
>   server {
>         listen 80;
>         server_name *;
>         location / {
>                 proxy_pass http://riak-cs;
>                 proxy_set_header Host $host;
>                 proxy_connect_timeout 59s;
>                 proxy_send_timeout   600;
>                 proxy_read_timeout   600;
>                 #proxy_buffering off;
>                 proxy_buffers     16 32k;
>                 proxy_buffer_size    64k;
>                  proxy_pass_header Server;
>           #return 403;
>         }
> }
>  (11:10:36) [andrew/desktop] ~ $ curl -I
> HTTP/1.1 404 Object Not Found
> Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 05:10:38 GMT
> Content-Type: application/xml
> Connection: keep-alive
> Server: Riak CS
> Content-Length: 185
> Please let me know if there's anything else I can provide, I'm more than
> willing to do so. Also, it may be worthy to note that in this
> case is an actual registered and resolving domain that has been sed'd out,
> cause archive.
> Thank you so much,
>  Andrew
> On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 10:57 PM, Kelly McLaughlin <>wrote:
>>  Andy,
>>  To try to get a better idea of what might be going on it would be
>> helpful to see what your riak and riak cs app.config files look like. Also
>> the output of riak-admin ring-status and riak-admin member-status could be
>> useful. For the upload issue I am curious if you have changed the port that
>> riak cs is listening on? The default is 8080 and I don't see from your
>> nginx config where you are sending requests to that port.
>>  Kelly
>> On November 13, 2013 at 6:49:59 PM, Andrew Tynefield (
>> <//>) wrote:
>>   Hey guys,
>> I'm working on a dev environment for a riak-cs setup.
>> 2 vms and an external proxy
>> Config of the riak/riak-cs nodes appears to be all complete. I'm
>> encountering two issues I'd like some pointers on where to begin diagnosing
>> before I go around stracing everything.
>> Firstly:
>> When using s3cmd to query riak-cs, I'm receiving differing results on the
>> same commands in succession. Here are the results when going through a
>> proxy:
>>  (07:06:09) [andrew/desktop] ~ $ s3cmd -c .s3cfg-riak ls s3://lol
>> 2013-11-13 22:20     84513   s3://lol/kitty.jpg
>> (07:06:10) [andrew/desktop] ~ $ s3cmd -c .s3cfg-riak ls s3://lol
>> 2013-11-13 22:20     84513   s3://lol/kitty.jpg
>> (07:06:11) [andrew/desktop] ~ $ s3cmd -c .s3cfg-riak ls s3://lol
>> 2013-11-13 14:59     93107   s3://lol/_1
>> 2013-11-13 22:20     84513   s3://lol/kitty.jpg
>> (07:06:12) [andrew/desktop] ~ $ s3cmd -c .s3cfg-riak ls s3://lol
>>                        DIR   s3://lol/kitties/
>> 2013-11-13 14:59     93107   s3://lol/_1
>> (07:06:13) [andrew/desktop] ~ $ s3cmd -c .s3cfg-riak ls s3://lol
>> 2013-11-13 22:20     84513   s3://lol/kitty.jpg
>> (07:06:14) [andrew/desktop] ~ $ s3cmd -c .s3cfg-riak ls s3://lol
>>                        DIR   s3://lol/kitties/
>> 2013-11-13 14:59     93107   s3://lol/_1
>> And here they are querying one of the nodes directly:
>>  (07:05:59) [andrew/desktop] ~ $ s3cmd ls s3://lol
>>                        DIR   s3://lol/kitties/
>> 2013-11-13 14:59     93107   s3://lol/_1
>> (07:06:00) [andrew/desktop] ~ $ s3cmd ls s3://lol
>> 2013-11-13 14:59     93107   s3://lol/_1
>>  2013-11-13 22:20     84513   s3://lol/kitty.jpg
>> (07:06:01) [andrew/desktop] ~ $ s3cmd ls s3://lol
>> 2013-11-13 22:20     84513   s3://lol/kitty.jpg
>> (07:06:02) [andrew/desktop] ~ $ s3cmd ls s3://lol
>> 2013-11-13 22:20     84513   s3://lol/kitty.jpg
>> (07:06:02) [andrew/desktop] ~ $ s3cmd ls s3://lol
>>                        DIR   s3://lol/kitties/
>> 2013-11-13 14:59     93107   s3://lol/_1
>> (07:06:03) [andrew/desktop] ~ $ s3cmd ls s3://lol
>> 2013-11-13 22:20     84513   s3://lol/kitty.jpg
>> (07:06:04) [andrew/desktop] ~ $ s3cmd -c .s3cfg-riak ls s3://lol
>> The same results happen regardless of which node I query directly, within
>> 1-2 seconds of executing the command a repeat execution of it returns
>> different results. (They are the same repetitive results, just missing
>> objects on some of the returns)
>> The other issue I'm encountering is with put's. If I put directly to the
>> node, I see something like:
>>  (07:09:09) [andrew/desktop] ~ $ s3cmd put
>> Downloads/CentOS-6.4-x86_64-minimal.iso s3://big
>> Downloads/CentOS-6.4-x86_64-minimal.iso ->
>> s3://big/CentOS-6.4-x86_64-minimal.iso  [part 1 of 23, 15MB]
>>  15728640 of 15728640   100% in    5s     2.62 MB/s  done
>> Downloads/CentOS-6.4-x86_64-minimal.iso ->
>> s3://big/CentOS-6.4-x86_64-minimal.iso  [part 2 of 23, 15MB]
>>  15728640 of 15728640   100% in    5s     2.86 MB/s  done
>> (... Truncated some of the values for brevity ...)
>> Downloads/CentOS-6.4-x86_64-minimal.iso ->
>> s3://big/CentOS-6.4-x86_64-minimal.iso  [part 22 of 23, 15MB]
>>  15728640 of 15728640   100% in    1s    12.06 MB/s  done
>> Downloads/CentOS-6.4-x86_64-minimal.iso ->
>> s3://big/CentOS-6.4-x86_64-minimal.iso  [part 23 of 23, 12MB]
>>  12929024 of 12929024   100% in    1s    11.70 MB/s  done
>>   Which is ideally what should occur. However, when I go through the
>> proxy:
>> It starts great for the first chunk, but hangs:
>> Start:
>> Downloads/CentOS-6.4-x86_64-minimal.iso -> s3://big/cent6.minimal.iso
>> [part 19 of 23, 15MB]
>> 8675328 of 15728640 55% in 1s 8.26 MB/s
>> Finish:
>>  Downloads/CentOS-6.4-x86_64-minimal.iso -> s3://big/cent6.minimal.iso
>>  [part 19 of 23, 15MB]
>>  15728640 of 15728640   100% in   22s   683.57 kB/s  done
>>  It immediately jumps to 55% (the % varies) and then pauses, sometimes
>> up to 30 seconds and then jumps to [done].
>> I assume this is in my nginx configuration somewhere, I thought it was a
>> proxy buffer issue, I've since raised those limits and also tried disabling
>> proxy_buffering entirely to no difference.
>>  server {
>>         listen 80;
>>         server_name *;
>>         location / {
>>                 proxy_pass http://riak-cs;
>>                 proxy_set_header Host $host;
>>                 proxy_connect_timeout 59s;
>>                 proxy_send_timeout   600;
>>                 proxy_read_timeout   600;
>>                 #proxy_buffering off;
>>                 proxy_buffers     16 32k;
>>                 proxy_buffer_size    64k;
>>           #return 403;
>>         }
>> }
>> (The two nodes are identical in versions)
>>  (07:34:47) [riak] ~ $ cat /etc/redhat-release
>> CentOS release 6.4 (Final)
>>  (07:45:53) [riak] ~ $ uname -a
>> Linux 2.6.32-358.23.2.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Oct 16 18:37:12
>> UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
>>  (07:46:09) [riak] ~ $ riak version
>> 1.4.2
>>  (07:46:13) [riak] ~ $ riak-cs version
>> 1.4.2
>>   (07:46:25) [riak] ~ $ rpm -qa | grep riak
>> riak-cs-1.4.2-1.el6.x86_64
>> riak-1.4.2-1.el6.x86_64
>> All recommended sysctl and ulimit values have been set as described in
>> the docs.
>>  I look forward to any assistance with further tracking this down.
>> --
>> [Andy Tynefield]
>>   _______________________________________________
>> riak-users mailing list
> --
> [Andy Tynefield]

[Andy Tynefield]
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