Hi Dave,

Could you please provide what version of Riak you're using and a complete
set of archived + compressed logs from a good node and a node experiencing
the memory issue? If the attachments are too large, feel free to mail me
directly and we'll figure something out.


Luke Bakken

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 1:56 AM, Dave Brady <dbr...@weborama.com> wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> Two of our five nodes seeing the 100% GET/PUT times (node_[get |
> put]_fsm_time_100) increase to as high as 8 seconds, and looking at our
> available metrics we see huge amounts memory being used by Erlang processes
> (memory_processed_used).
> We normally see Erlang processes use tens of MBs, and occasionally a few
> hundred MBs for short periods.  One node is now using between 5.2 GB to
> 18.5 GB.  The other one is just little lower: 4 GB to 14 GB.
> Our average object size is roughly 25 KB.
> The logs on these two nodes have lots of:
> 2013-11-14 09:26:03.961 [info]
> <0.83.0>@riak_core_sysmon_handler:handle_event:92 monitor long_gc
> <0.19362.2932>
> [{initial_call,{riak_core_coverage_fsm,init,1}},{almost_current_function,{sms,sms,1}},{message_queue_len,41}]
> [{timeout,5356},{old_heap_block_size,0},{heap_block_size,870001580},{mbuf_size,0},{stack_size,54},{old_heap_size,0},{heap_size,336260414}]
> 2013-11-14 09:26:03.961 [info]
> <0.83.0>@riak_core_sysmon_handler:handle_event:92 monitor large_heap
> <0.19362.2932>
> [{initial_call,{riak_core_coverage_fsm,init,1}},{almost_current_function,{sms,sms,1}},{message_queue_len,41}]
> [{old_heap_block_size,0},{heap_block_size,870001580},{mbuf_size,0},{stack_size,54},{old_heap_size,0},{heap_size,336260414}]
> 2013-11-14 09:26:03.968 [error] <0.3205.3273> CRASH REPORT Process
> <0.3205.3273> with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: no function clause
> matching webmachine_request:peer_from_peername({error,enotconn},
> {webmachine_request,{wm_reqstate,#Port<0.38822194>,[],undefined,undefined,undefined,{wm_reqdata,...},...}})
> line 150
> Anyone seen this before?
> --
> Dave Brady
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