Yes that would certainly work. My experience up until recently has been limited to RDBMS, so I’m still trying to wrap my head around ideas of relating data when done this way.
How does one choose the “best” of 2i vs. links vs. deterministic key names? What makes this hard to adopt is that there isn’t much background info on use-case, and the impact that a particular method had on that case. I don’t know what resource to turn to that is a starting point for “when you need to do this, then these are the options and here are the pros/cons”. I just don’t have time to watch 96 Vimeo videos that are all 30-60 minutes long. Counters seem like a good idea, but in order to use one we must solve another problem. My mindset is use the built-in counter because that’s what they are meant to do; however, when that brings about a more complex problem of determining how to relate the data, it just doesn’t make sense. Again, I’m very new to “NoSQL”. So if I’m missing some fundamental thing that should be obvious please forgive me. -m From: Dave Rusek [] Sent: Friday, November 08, 2013 2:53 PM To: Mark A. Basil, Jr.; Subject: Re: Multiple named counters per key Could you accomplish this with a bucket which is a map of counters? The counter name would be the map key. -- Dave Rusek Sent with Airmail <> On November 8, 2013 at 12:50:23 PM, Mark A. Basil, Jr. ( wrote: Just a thought. It would be handy if one could add many named counters per buket/key to more closely handle a shopping cart scenario. Otherwise, unless I’m mistaken, one would have to have a bucket that would be the “cart” and keys which are the “items”. That doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list
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