On 06/11/13 11:30, Evan Vigil-McClanahan wrote:
You can replace int_to_bin with int_to_str to make it easier to debug
in the future, I suppose. I am not sure how to get them to be fetched
as bytes, without may altering the client.
You could just attach to the console and run whatever listing command
you're running there, which would give you the answer as unfiltered
erlang binaries, which are easy to understand.
Ah, I'm really not familiar enough with Erlang and Riak to be doing
that. Which API applies to console commands? I'll take a look. (Is it
just the same as the Erlang client?)
Is this easily replicable on a new cluster?
I think it should be -- the only difference over default configuration
is that LevelDB is configured as the default backend.
Run basho_bench with the pbc-client test to generate the initial keys
and you should be set.
On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 4:17 PM, Toby Corkindale
<toby.corkind...@strategicdata.com.au> wrote:
Hi Evan,
These keys were originally created by basho-bench, using:
{key_generator, {int_to_bin, {uniform_int, 10000}}}.
Of the 10k keys, it seems half could be removed, but not the other half.
Now I've tried storing keys with the same key as the un-deleteable ones,
waiting a minute, and then deleting them again.. this isn't seeming to help!
I don't know if it's significant, but I'm working with the Java client here
(protocol buffers). I note that the bad keys are basically just bytes, not
actual ascii strings, and they do contain nulls.
Actually, here's something I just noticed -- the keys I'm getting from the
index are repeating! It's the same 39 keys, repeated 128 times.
Are there any known bugs in the PBC interface when it comes to binary keys?
I know the HTTP interface just crashes out completely.
I'm fetching the keys in a manner that returns strings; is there a way to
fetch them as bytes? Maybe that would work better; I'm wondering if the
client is attempting to convert the bytes into unicode strings and dropping
invalid characters?
On 05/11/13 03:44, Evan Vigil-McClanahan wrote:
Hi Toby.
It's possible, since they're stored separately, that the objects were
deleted but the indices were left in place because of some error (e.g.
the operation failed for some reason between the object removal and
the index removal). One of the things on the feature list for the
next release is AAE of index values, which should take care of this
case. This is really rare, but not unknown. It'd be interesting to
know how you ended up with so many.
In the mean time, the only way I can think of to get rid of them
(other than deleting them from the console, which would require taking
nodes down and a lot of manual effort), would be to write another
value that would have the same index, then delete it, which should
normally succeed.
I'll ask around to see if there is anything that might work better.
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