On 30/10/13 02:59, Georgi Ivanov wrote:
On Tuesday 29 October 2013 16:50:25 Rune Skou Larsen wrote:
Den 29-10-2013 16:32, Georgi Ivanov skrev:
Hi and thank you for the reply. My comment follow:
Your tests are not close to what you are going to have in production

My tests are exactly what we will have in production. 1 node or in best
case 2 nodes.
We don't care about durability here.

If you don't care about durability, why do you want multiple copies of
each object? I.e. why not just keep n=1?
The only reason is that if the HW dies we will have to import the data again
.. which takes like one week.

That's why i would prefer 2 nodes setup

   Our request per second will be extremely

low too(300 per day ?)
Also we use 2i indexes.

Given your parameters, I have to say.. are you sure Riak is the right tool for your job?

A classical database, like Postgresql, could be a better fit.
It can import data much faster than Riak for a single client, and provides indexes, searching, etc. And of course you can have streaming replication so that you have a hot spare in case of hardware failure.

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