Greetings all...

Context: We're running Riak 1.4.2 on Ubuntu 12.04 using the Basho build
.deb package. Out object size varies between 1K and 512K

I've been having some trouble trying to figure out why handoffs between our
nodes takes so long and never pushes the network card over 2.5 Gb/s.
Testing communication between nodes using iperf shows that the
configuration we have can sustain 10G.

Further investigation shows that communication between nodes never uses
messages > 4k which gets the network cards to top out on packages per
second before they reach the top bits per second.

Possibly related: I see exactly the same problem when using Basho Bench and
the pb driver - I can never get the client to go over 2.5Gb/s. This is
pushing me to suspect erlang vm or something as the problem.

Anyone seen this before? Is there a magic "use bigger messages" flag hidden


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