I have some from a while back, if I can find my graphs I'll put them up 



On 17 Oct 2013, at 16:35, Weston Jossey <weston.jos...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Great everyone, thank you.  
> @Russell:  I specifically work with either Go 
> (https://github.com/tpjg/goriakpbc) or Ruby (basho client).  I haven't tested 
> the ruby client, but I'd assume it will perform the write without the read 
> (based on my reading of the code).  The Go library, on the other hand, 
> currently always performs a read prior to the write.  It's an easy patch that 
> I've already applied locally for benchmarking, I just didn't want to submit 
> the PR till I was sure this was the correct behavior.
> Somewhat off topic, but I dont' want to open up another thread if it's 
> unnecessary.  This questions arose because I've been doing extensive 
> benchmarking around distributed counters.  Are there pre-existing benchmarks 
> out there that I can measure myself against?  I haven't stumbled across many 
> at this point, probably because of how new it is.
> Cheers,
> Wes
> On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 10:21 AM, Russell Brown <russell.br...@mac.com> wrote:
> Hi Wes,
> The client application does not need to perform a read before a write, the 
> riak server must read from disk before updating the counter. Or at least it 
> must with our current implementation.
> What PRs did you have in mind? I'm curious.
> Oh, it looks like Sam beat me to it…to elaborate on his "not idempotent" 
> line, that means when riak tells you "error" for some counter increment, it 
> may only be a partial failure, and re-running the operation may lead to over 
> counting.
> Cheers
> Russell
> On 17 Oct 2013, at 16:03, Weston Jossey <weston.jos...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > In the context of using distributed counters (introduced in 1.4), is it 
> > strictly necessary to perform a read prior to issue a write for a given 
> > key?  A la, if I want to blindly increment a value by 1, regardless of what 
> > its current value is, is it sufficient to issue the write without 
> > previously having read the object?
> >
> > I ask because looking at some of the implementations for counters in the 
> > open source community, it's common to perform a read before a write, which 
> > impacts performance ceilings on clusters with high volume reads / writes.  
> > I want to verify before issuing some PRs that this is in fact safe behavior.
> >
> > Thank you!
> > -Wes Jossey
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