A friendly coworker pointed out I made a mistake in my reply, I was
thinking of connecting to remote nodes not local nodes.  You don't need to
do RPC calls with `riak attach`.

Sorry about that.

On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 9:57 AM, Jared Morrow <ja...@basho.com> wrote:

> The erlang shell found with riak attach is a remote shell. You can make
> RPC calls into the Riak node from there. If you look at nodetool found in
> your install it can give you examples on how to use Erlang’s RPC call
> mechanism. We don’t typically recommend people do that as a regular
> practice though. We use it mostly for debugging and adjusting settings when
> problems arise. We do have erlang clients though, and their links /
> documentation can be found on our docs site:
> http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/dev/using/libraries/
> If you have specific examples of what you have tried and what hasn’t
> worked, we’ll be sure and help you get things straight.
> Hope that helped,
> -Jared
> On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 8:30 AM, Victor <vic...@boirefillergroup.com>wrote:
>> Hi, I’m curious what Erlang shell within riak is used for (one which
>> appears with “riak attach” command) and if cluster operator would be able
>> to use it to make small queries without need to build client application?
>> And is there some kind of documentation for it? I’ve tried to use same
>> functions as Erlang client assuming that this shell is just build-in
>> interface; however, it throw undefined function exception at me, so
>> probably I was wrong. ****
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