Chiming in with the completely anecdotal statement that we have customers
who run large Riak clusters on ZFS.  As far as I know, we haven't gotten
any complaints due to ZFS.  The only cautionary tale would be to not let
your zpool completely fill up because deletes take up storage due to the
append-only nature of ZFS.


On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 8:11 AM, Heinz Nikolaus Gies <>wrote:

> Hi Guido,
> I don’t see how snappy compression renders ZFS useless, you might do some
> things twice like crcing but it also protects on different layers. While
> the ZFS crc protects data on the disks the in app crc could protect the
> data ‘all’ the way up, compression wise you might not even turn on ZFS
> compression and even if you do, you could still get a higher ratio given
> that ZFS will use compression over the entire volume not ‘just’ the data in
> the DB.
> That said there is a lot more to ZFS then compression and CRC ;) like
> snapshots, cloning, ARC ^^
> On 03 Oct 2013, at 9:56, Guido Medina <> wrote:
>  If using LevelDB backend, LevelDB has a nice compression (snappy),
> including CRC checks and all sort of data corruption checks, I have read on
> this mail list people that has required to disable snappy compression
> because it renders ZFS useless (not much to compress after that)
> Hence, it is kind of related to using ZFS or not, if you go for ZFS
> whatever variant you will have to support two sub-systems, if you let
> LevelDB snappy compression on, you won't have to worry about it.
> As for backup, Basho provides a sort of cluster-to-cluster replication
> tool, we built our own in Java, making backups per storage on every node
> won't make much sense due to CAP/distributed nature, replicating the keys
> to another cluster is what will make sense.
> Hope that helps and is understandable,
> Guido.
> On 03/10/13 13:54, Pedram Nimreezi wrote:
> Not sure what ZFS has to do with snappy compression, as it's a file system
> not a compression algorithm..
> feature wise, ZFS is quite possibly the most enterprise file system
> around, including advanced data corruption prevention and remote backing
> up..
>  This would be a viable option in BSD/Solaris environments, at least for
> making snapshots.
> Might make a nice write up for the Basho blog..
>  Backups for riak I think require a bit more consideration then file
> system snapshot send,
> and should include provisions for transferring data to smaller/larger
> clusters, transfer
> ring ownerships properly, etc.
> On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 7:15 AM, Guido Medina <>wrote:
>>  And for ZFS? I wouldn't recommend it, after Riak 1.4 snappy LevelDB
>> compression does a nice job, why take the risk of yet another not so
>> enterprise ready compression algorithms.
>> I could be wrong though,
>> Guido.
>> On 03/10/13 12:11, Guido Medina wrote:
>> I have heard some SAN's horrors stories too, Riak nodes are so cheap that
>> I don't see the point in even having any mirror on the node, here my points:
>>    1. Erlang interprocess communication brings some network usage, why
>>    yet another network usage on replicating the data? If the whole idea of
>>    Riak is have your data replicated in different nodes.
>>     2. If a node goes down or die for whatever reason, bring up another
>>    node and rebuild it.
>>     3. If you want to really replicate your cluster Riak offers the
>>    enterprise replication which I'm quite sure will be less expensive than a
>>    SAN and will warranty to have your cluster ready to go somewhere else as a
>>    backup.
>>    4. I would even go further, SSDs are so cheap and Riak nodes are so
>>    cheap now adays that I would even build a cluster using RAID 0 or RAID 5
>>    SSDs (yes, no mirror with RAID 1, if too afraid, RAID 5), that will have a
>>    great impact on performance. Again, if something goes wrong with 1 node,
>>    refer to point 2.
>> SANs and all those "legacy" backup and replication IMHO are meant for
>> other products, like an Oracle money eater DB server.
>> HTH,
>>  Guido.
>> On 03/10/13 12:00, Brian Akins wrote:
>>  So, call me naive, but couldn't ZFS be used as Heinze suggested?
>>  I have some SAN horror stories - both operationally and from an
>> economic perspective.
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