Hi Fred -

Did you try out "curl" to delete an object, rather than using the
python library?

Also - are you using Riak search? I'm trying to figure out some of the
errors I see in the logs. If you're on Riak 1.4 or later, could you
run "riak-debug" on each of your nodes and send me the archives that
are produced?

Luke Bakken

On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 8:57 AM, Wolfinger, Fred
<fwolfin...@cyberpointllc.com> wrote:
> Hey Luke,
> Thanks so much for the reply. I have had a few people here looking at this
> and have never seen anything like it. When I run the delete script, it
> does fine for a while, then seems to crap out on an entry for whatever
> reason. However, the errors you will see in these logs seem to happen even
> during successful delete calls.
> I look forward to your feedback,
> Fred
> On 9/18/13 11:48 AM, "Luke Bakken" <lbak...@basho.com> wrote:
>>Hi Fred,
>>Could you try deleting an object using an HTTP client app like "curl"?
>>Instructions for doing so are located here:
>>If that is not successful could you attach an archive of all of the
>>console.log* files from each node in your cluster? They should be
>>located in /var/log/riak.
>>Luke Bakken

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    • Re: 503 Error Luke Bakken

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