Hi Sean,

I would indeed like to take advantage of the pooling features of the new
client. Shared objects across Celery workers isn't something I'd ever
really looked at before - but it seems the only real way to share across
workers (ie, processes) is to use memcache or similar. Which makes sense.


On 6 August 2013 23:04, Sean Cribbs <s...@basho.com> wrote:

> Hi Matt,
> You are correct about the Decaying class, it is a wrapper for an
> exponentially-decaying error rate. The idea is, you configure your client
> to connect to multiple Riak nodes, and if one goes down or is restarted,
> the possibility of its selection for new connections can be automatically
> reduced by detecting network errors. Of course, this is moot when you are
> connecting to the cluster via a load-balancer; at that point the
> error-tracking logic can't help you.
> If you are creating and throwing away RiakClient objects frequently,
> neither the error-tracking nor the connection pool will help you much.
> However, I urge you to consider keeping a single client around, in some
> globally accessible place (module constant? config object?). Your
> concurrent workers will get to take advantage of existing connections, and
> your socket/file-handle usage will be less.
> On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 1:07 AM, Matt Black <matt.bl...@jbadigital.com>wrote:
>> I've been looking through the changes to the RiakClient class - and have
>> a question about the nodes list and RiakNode/Decaying class.
>> It seems that the Decaying class is used internally to track error_rates
>> (request failure_rate?) of nodes in the available pool.
>> In the application I maintain, we're accessing Riak in many concurrent
>> celery workers - so my assumption would be that this internal error_rate
>> tracking wouldn't do much good. Have I got this right? Is the client's
>> internal "nodes" list only really useful in a long running application?
>> (ie, when I'm not instantiating RiakClient fresh for each query).
>> We currently have a "pool" of Riak nodes in some configuration, from
>> which a random IP is chosen for each request.
>> Thanks
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> --
> Sean Cribbs <s...@basho.com>
> Software Engineer
> Basho Technologies, Inc.
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