Thanks Chris!  Hopefully its just a rookie mistake...

Paul Ingalls
Founder & CEO Fanzo

On Aug 6, 2013, at 10:28 AM, Chris Meiklejohn <> wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> I just wanted to let you know that I'm currently investigating this and will 
> get back to you shortly.  
> I've opened the following issue for tracking it:
> In addition, in retrospect I've realized that using the "incompatible" 
> language is a bit misleading -- only a subset of functionality becomes 
> unavailable when Control detects a possible incompatibility, and this is 
> usually limited to display a node's memory utilization (leaving management 
> commands unaffected.)  
> I've opened the following issue for tracking updating the language to provide 
> a less ambiguous, more concrete, display of what is actually happening within 
> the cluster:
> Thanks for being so patient and diligent with testing our latest releases!
> - Chris
> On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 2:51 PM, Paul Ingalls <> wrote:
> Hope you all don't get pissed for me spamming the list….;)
> I upgraded my cluster to 1.4.1 in hopes the levelDB changes may help.  The 
> cluster is now up and running, however Riak Control is complaining:
> The following nodes are currently incompatible with Riak Control:
> <all my nodes>
> I googled around and saw this had something to do with the RPC calls failing, 
> but I can't find any logs on the server that give me a hint where to go next.
> When I rebuilt from source, my rel directory was nuked, so I needed to 
> regenerate my certs.  Would this screw things up?
> Thanks,
> Paul
> Paul Ingalls
> Founder & CEO Fanzo
> @paulingalls
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