So if you will succeed with all your patches the memory overhead will
decrease by 22 (=16+4+2) bytes, am I right?

On 5 August 2013 16:38, Evan Vigil-McClanahan <> wrote:

> Before I'd done the research, I too thought that the overheads were a
> much lower, near to what the calculator said, but not too far off.
> There are a few things that I plan on addressing this release cycle:
>   - 16b per-allocation overhead from using enif_alloc.  This allows us
> a lot of flexibility about which allocator to use, but I suspect that
> since allocation speed isn't a big bitcask bottleneck, this overhead
> simply isn't worth it.
>   - 13b per value overhead from naive serialization of the bucket/key
> value.  I have a branch that reduced this by 11 bytes.
>   - 4b per value overhead from a single bit flag that is stored in an
> int. No patch for this thus far.
> Additionally, I've found that running with tcmalloc using LD_PRELOAD
> reduces the cost for bitcask's many allocations, but a) I've never
> done so in production and b) they say that it never releases memory,
> which is worrying, although the paging system theoretically should
> take care of it fairly easily as long as their page usages isn't
> insane.
> My original notes looked like this:
> 1)   ~32 bytes for the OS/malloc + khash overhead @ 50M keys
> (amortized, so bigger for fewer keys, smaller for more keys).
> 2) + 16 bytes of erlang allocator overhead
> 3) + 22 bytes for the NIF C structure
> 4) +  8 bytes for the entry pointer stored in the khash
> 5) + 13 bytes of kv overhead
> tcmalloc does what it can for line 1.
> My patches do what I can for lines 2, 3, and 5.
> 4 isn't amenable to anything other than a change in the way the keydir
> is stored, which could also potentially help with 1 (fewer
> allocations, etc).  That, unfortunately, is not very likely to happen
> soon.
> So things will get better relatively soon, but there are some
> architectural limits that will be harder to address.
> On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 1:49 AM, Alexander Ilyin <>
> wrote:
> > Evan,
> >
> > News about per key overhead of 91 bytes are quite frustrating. When we
> were
> > choosing a key value storage per key metadata size was a crucial point
> for
> > us. We have a simple use case but a lot of data (hundreds of millions of
> > items) so we were looking for the ways to reduce memory consumption.
> > Here and here is stated a value of 40 bytes. 22 bytes in ram calculator
> > seemed like a mistake because the following example obviously uses a
> value
> > of 40.
> >
> > Anyway, thanks for your response.
> >
> >
> > On 4 August 2013 04:39, Evan Vigil-McClanahan <>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> Some responses inline.
> >>
> >> On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 3:11 AM, Alexander Ilyin <>
> >> wrote:
> >> > Hi,
> >> >
> >> > I have a few questions about Riak memory usage.
> >> > We're using Riak 1.3.1 on a 3 node cluster. According to bitcask
> >> > capacity
> >> > calculator
> >> >
> >> > (
> )
> >> > Riak should use about 30Gb of RAM for out data. Actually, it uses
> about
> >> > 45Gb
> >> > and I can't figure out why. I'm looking at %MEM column in top on each
> >> > node
> >> > for a beam.smp process.
> >>
> >> I've recently done some research on this and have filed bugs against
> >> the calculator, it's a bit wrong and has been that way for a while:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> The numbers there look a bit closer to what you're seeing.
> >>
> >> The good news is that I am looking into reducing memory consumption
> >> this development cycle and our next release should see some
> >> improvements on that front.  The bad news is that it may be a while.
> >> If you want to watch the bitcask repo on github to see when these
> >> changes go in, it's usually pretty easy to build a new bitcask and
> >> replace the one that you're running.
> >>
> >> > Disk usage is also about 1,5 times more than I have expected (270Gb
> >> > instead
> >> > of 180Gb). I rechecked that I have n_val=2 (not 3), it seems alright.
> >> > Why
> >> > this could happen?
> >>
> >> There is definitely some overhead on the stored values, especially
> >> when you're using bitcask. How big are your values?  Overheads, if I
> >> recall correctly, run to a few hundred bytes, but I'll have to ask
> >> some people to refresh my memory.
> >>
> >> > Second question is about performance degradation when Riak uses almost
> >> > all
> >> > available memory on the node. We see that 95/99 put percentiles twice
> as
> >> > large for nodes which don't have much free RAM. How much free memory I
> >> > should have to keep performance high?
> >>
> >> I don't have a good answer for this; when I was working as a CSE we
> >> generally urged people to start adding nodes when their most limited
> >> resource (memory, disk, cpu, etc) was 70-80% utilized (as a grossly
> >> oversimplified rule of thumb).
> >>
> >> > And the last question about memory_total metric. riak-admin status
> >> > returns
> >> > value which is less than actual memory consumption as seen in the top.
> >> > According to memory_total description
> >> >
> >> > (
> >> > they should be equal. Why they are not?
> >>
> >> Top factors in OS/libc overheads that memory_total cannot see.  I'll
> >> check out the docs and get them amended if they're wrong.
> >
> >
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