Hi Lucas,

I'm sorry, as easy as it would have been to add with the latest changes, we 
just ran out of time.

It is something I'd love to add in future. Or maybe something a contributor 
could add? (Happy to advise / review.)

Many thanks


On 31 Jul 2013, at 02:04, Lucas Cooper <bobobo1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've seen that the results of secondary index queries are sorted on index 
> values by default.
> I was wondering if there's something I'm missing that would allow me to fetch 
> those keys but reverse sorted.
> I have indexes based on UNIX timestamps and I'd like to grab the most recent 
> keys.
> I'd like this query to be running on demand so I'd like to avoid MapReduce if 
> at all possible.
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