How is the Scaling of Raik CS when setting up a few hundred servers in a cluster?
Does it make sense, to build a cluster of that size, or is it recommended to have smaller pools of clusters and shard the Files over more than one cluster? What about stanchion as the potetial single point of failure, how to prevent it from corupting the System? If I got it right, Stanchion handles the IDs of Buckets and some user stuff. So if no further Buckets or users need to be created, there is no need for stanchion at that time and up-/downloading can go on as usual? As I want to use riak cs for large files (50MB-15GB) is it possible to raise the chunk size up to these Filesizes, to prevent the system from heavy network traffic? -- Andre Lohmann Alte Gärtnerei 20a 24232 Schönkirchen Tel.: +49 (0) 431 260 93 833 mobil: +49 (0) 176 55 910 913 mail: LinkedIn: Xing:
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