Hi John,

As you started up the node set to, a ring file was created with this 
information. As I believe the node is isolated and not yet part of a cluster, 
you should be able to remove this and restart it with the new IP.

Best regards,


On 24 Jul 2013, at 13:14, John Le Drew <j...@antz29.com> wrote:

> Hi there
> Trying to get a simple Riak Cluster configured on some VMs. I'm using
> Ubuntu 12.04 and compiled Riak 1.4 from source. It will start up fine
> when bound to but after changing the IP in app.config and
> vm.args it no longer starts.
> The only output I get from Riak start is:
> Node 'riak@' not responding to pings.
> I bet more (obviously) from riak console, this is in the Gist linked below.
> All the relevant config files, console outputs and log files are here:
> https://gist.github.com/antz29/f159b7e5400af22dacd8
> Any help would be much appreciated!
> Cheers
> John
> --
> John Le Drew
> www.antz29.com
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