Hello all,

Today's recap is coming to you from across the street of Eastern State
Penitentiary in partly cloudy Philadelphia.

First and foremost, we're excited to share the new Riak docs reorg and redesign.
- http://docs.basho.com

Jeremiah Peschka announced CorrugatedIron 1.4 with support for Riak 1.4.
- http://www.brentozar.com/archive/2013/07/corrugatediron-1-4/

Gideon de Kok announced Raiku 0.6 with support for Riak 1.4.
- http://gideondk.nl/blog/2013/7/20/release-raiku-060

Age Mooji released the version 0.8.1 of his Riak Scala Client and
wrote up a quick blog post about it.
- http://scalapenos.com/2013/07/10/riak-scala-client-0.8.1.html

Not sure where to start with Riak's new CRDT support? Basho hacker Sam
Elliot created a cookbook for you.
- https://github.com/basho/riak_crdt_cookbook

Davey Shafik has been doing some work to get the Riak PHP Client docs in order.
- https://github.com/basho/riak-php-client/pull/53
- http://dshafik.github.io/riak-php-client/

Basho Hacker Kota Uenishi gave a talk at Rubykaigi about using Riak
with Fluentd.
- https://vimeo.com/69128202

Antoine Michaud of Xebia.fr gave a talk about Riak.
- https://vimeo.com/70120771

The Engineering Team at Gilt Groupe have been testing Riak. They wrote
a blog post about the recent set of benchmarks and performance tests
they ran against Riak's Multi-Datacenter replication.
- http://tech.gilt.com/post/55529520304/riak-passes-the-stress-test

@rev4t from the Internet Initiative Japan gave a talk on Yokozuna at
the latest Tokyo Riak Meetup.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTrR9CfxOJQ

Basho Hacker Steve Vinoski gave a talk at Erlang Factory called,
"Addressing Network Congestion in Riak Clusters."

Digital Ocean posted a guide on how to create a Riak cluster in their cloud.

Joshua Bussdieker created an alternative Puppet module for installing
and configuring Riak.
- https://forge.puppetlabs.com/jbussdieker/riak

Q & A
- http://askubuntu.com/questions/320245/unable-to-start-riak


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