Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the right answer is doing a GET
first so you have a vector clock that is after the delete.  Then you should
be able to be sure your new write wins in any sibling resolution.


On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 8:59 PM, Matthew Dawson <>wrote:

> On July 15, 2013 02:16:47 PM Gabriel Littman wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Another posibility is to create a new bucket for each test run.
> >
> > Gabe
> >
> Also a good idea, but not easily implemented against my current library.
>  I've
> got a solution in using random addition to keys that works for now.
> My only problem is that this doesn't solve my underlying issues regarding
> keys
> disappearing.  Is the only way to ensure keys don't disappear is to never
> reuse a key?  I'd understand if this was caused by two random processes
> interacting, but in this case there is a significant (>1s) time between two
> runs where keys overlap.
> Thanks for all the help,
> --
> Matthew
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