Hi Veronika,
Riak 1.4.0 was released yesterday, with the new streaming features nodes
will stream keys to you instead of working with the whole result in
memory, which will probably avoid the timeout.
Though your RAM and specially using a VM could be a limiting factor,
still worthy a try.
Once your node is up type riak-admin diag and see if some parameters
need to be adjusted.
For more information on tuning:
On 12/07/13 14:58, Nika Abramova wrote:
I am currently testing different NoSQL databases and now I was
starting Riak. I downloaded and installed Riak 1.3 and was executing
YCSB over it. But after some time (40 sec) of loading data, I got
"Read timed Out" exception.
How can I solve it? I am working locally, on same machine so my
connection is to localhost. Is that lack of RAM that causing that?
Since I am using VM and I only have 2GB RAM for it. Or it is something
else I can configure?
Regards, Veronika
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