Hello Riak Users! Big bits. Riak 1.4 hit the streets earlier this week. With key new features, some changes and other goodness. From Client API additions to binary format improvements to pagination support in 2i, there's a host of new things to check out.
* Give the release notes a read for the full list: https://github.com/basho/riak/blob/master/RELEASE-NOTES.md * Downloads are live at: http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/downloads/ * More on those secondary indexes: http://basho.com/riak-1-4-secondary-indexes/ * Some notes, notices and thoughts from me: http://compositecode.com/2013/07/10/riak-1-4-a-few-notes-notices-thoughts/ In other key news blurbs, not from Gelett Burgess: * Going beyond half the RICON East videos, more are going live by the day. - http://ricon.io/archive/2013/east.html * Basho is hiring a few more Technical Evangelists, specifically in Austin, TX and the Washington, D.C., area. If you or someone you know is interested in making Riak the biggest database in the world (adoption, not LOC), ping me. Check out this blog post if you're looking for more info on what the TEs do here at Basho. - http://www.themarkphillips.com/2012/11/06/Month-One-For-Basho-TEs.html * The Little Riak Book has been released by Eric Redmond @coderoshi. Get a copy of it today for yourself, your local user group or other organization. (it's also free, courtesy of Basho) - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1SoG2cpmmPzdr1b7J0RtR-SmTqKojDQ3juCTxq3QcjYM/viewform The code repo for the book is available here... - https://github.com/coderoshi/little_riak_book Cheers, @Adron Now on to the collection of links, questions, answers and other content. Amazon released a whitepaper on running Riak in the AWS environment. - http://aws.typepad.com/aws/2013/07/running-riak-on-ec2-new-white-paper.html - http://media.amazonwebservices.com/AWS_NoSQL_Riak.pdf Basho CTO Justin Sheehy wrote a short blog post entitled, "Erlang at Basho, Five Years Later." - http://basho.com/erlang-at-basho-five-years-later/ Ayende Rahein wrote up a quick review of his first look at Riak's LevelDB. - http://ayende.com/blog/162467/reviewing-bashos-leveldb Basho Hacker Jared Morrow gave a talk on packaging at the most-recent EUC in Stockholm. - http://www.erlang-factory.com/conference/ErlangUserConference2013/speakers/JaredMorrow mtabini wrote a library called "node-riak-mock" that might be useful for anyone looking to facilitate easier local development. - https://github.com/mtabini/node-riak-mock Ales Bublik wrote a plugin for Django that helps storing session data in Riak easier. - https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dj-riak-sessions/0.1.0 Several Basho engineers were on the Food Fight Show talking about Erlang, Riak, and DevOps. - http://foodfightshow.org/2013/07/erlang-eye-for-the-devops-guy-and-gal.html Jeremiah Peschka announced CorrugatedIron v1.4.0-RC1 - http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2013-July/012403.html - https://github.com/DistributedNonsense/CorrugatedIron/blob/1.4.0-rc1/RELEASE_NOTES.md Dietrich Featherston created a repository to track Riak tips (in progress) - https://github.com/d2fn/riak-tips Yoichi Hirai has been publishing some Riak-inspired content on his journal. - https://yoichihirai.com/blog/tags/riak/ Basho TE Hector "Rocky IV" Castro started playing around with Riak and Packer. - https://github.com/hectcastro/basho-packer-templates Orbitz published a quick blog post about using his OCaml client (complete with a CLI) to store data in Riak. - http://functional-orbitz.blogspot.com/2013/07/riakc-in-five-minutes.html The team at Janrain has picked up work on the Riak Haskell Client that Bryan O'Sullivan used to lead. The package is now available. - http://hackage.haskell.org/package/riak- The SoftLayer team wrote a blog post about when you might want to consider Riak. - http://blog.softlayer.com/2013/when-to-consider-riak-for-your-big-data-architecture/ Junction, a Windows 8 user interface for riak was started via a fully open Apache 2.0 github repo. All of the logo and design collateral is in a seperate repository. - https://github.com/Adron/junction - https://github.com/Adron/junction_design_assets Steve Vinoski's slide deck for "Addressing Network Congestion in Riak Clusters" is available. - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10363968/vinoski-addressing-network-congestion-in-riak.pdf Chris Meiklejohn and Sean Cribbs recently presented at LambdaJam 2013 on webmachine. Here's the blog entry, slides & github repo. - http://christophermeiklejohn.com/erlang/webmachine/2013/07/11/lambdajam-2013-webmachine-tutorial.html - https://speakerdeck.com/cmeiklejohn/functional-web-apps-with-webmachine - https://github.com/cmeiklejohn/webmachine-tutorial John Daily, also at LambdaJam 2013 presented "Erlang, Riak Core and Riak Pipe". The presentation & slides, via gist are listed below. - http://www.slideshare.net/macintux/lambda-jam-2013 - https://gist.github.com/macintux/5954579 Q & A http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17118061/403-forbidden-while-creating-admin-user-in-riak-cs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17458764/riak-and-time-sorted-records http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17533312/admin-panel-for-rails-app-using-riak
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