
Is your goal to have the resource be accessible via query string
authentication, or just publicly accessible? Asking because your
example URL contains the query string authentication parameters.

Either way, I attempted to reproduce your steps locally and could
download the file from CS via curl. Can you take a look and see if I
did anything differently?


On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 2:41 AM, Sanjeev Neelarapu
<> wrote:
> Thanks Alex for your quick response.
> I have made the object as public as per your instructions:
> [root@Rhel63-Sanjeev ~]# s3cmd setacl -P
> s3://imagestore/template/tmpl/1/5/centos56-x86_64-xen/centos56-x86_64.vhd.bz2
> s3://imagestore/template/tmpl/1/5/centos56-x86_64-xen/centos56-x86_64.vhd.bz2:
> ACL set to Public  [1 of 1]
> However downloading this object still says “Access Denied”.  URL being fired
> is:
> Thanks,
> Sanjeev
> From: Alexander Moore []
> Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2013 7:20 PM
> To: Sanjeev Neelarapu
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: http access to Riak objects
> Hi Sanjeev,
> By default, uploaded objects will not be publicly available.  To make them
> available you have to set the Access Control List to allow public reads for
> all users.
> If you are using s3cmd you can do this with: s3cmd -c .s3cfgfile setacl
> --acl-public s3://BUCKET/OBJECT
> If you need to do this for everything in a bucket, you should then look into
> using "Bucket Policies" to automatically set public access.
> Your bucket policy would look something like
>, and then you could apply the
> policy using s3cmd: s3cmd -c .s3cfg setpolicy
> public-access-bucket-policy.json s3://BUCKET
> Thanks,
> Alex
> On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 8:32 AM, Sanjeev Neelarapu
> <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Could someone help me in providing http access to objects stored in the
> bucket?
> I have Riak and Riak-CS installed on a linux machine. Created bucket and
> pushed some files to the bucket using s3cmd. However downloading the objects
> using http URL is failing.
> Following is the object path stored in the bucket “imagestore”:
> s3://imagestore/template/tmpl/1/5/centos56-x86_64-xen/centos56-x86_64.vhd.bz2
> Could anyone specify the way to download it using http access?
> ACL on the bucket:
> [root@Rhel63-Sanjeev ~]# s3cmd info s3://imagestore
> s3://imagestore/ (bucket):
>    Location:  us-east-1
>    ACL:       admin: FULL_CONTROL
> Thanks,
> Sanjeev
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