This bug fix did not make the 1.3.2 release. It is slated for the 1.4
release that will be out soon. Not all issues make it into point releases
unfortunately so we have to pick and chose based on severity and complexity
of the change.  Sorry this is causing you maintenance headaches, we
certainly don't like hearing that.

I can assure you it is in 1.4, so 1.3.2 is the last time you'll have to
work around it.


On Saturday, June 22, 2013, Sebastian Cohnen wrote:

> Good to see that you working on steadily improving performance and fixing
> bugs. Can you confirm that again
> didn't make it into the release? A customer of mine has had big trouble
> because of this bug. Thankfully the PR was closed 5 month ago, but applying
> the patch manually over and over again is not really a great fun. I'd
> really love to see that this issue get's closed.
> If you just missed in the release notes, ignore what I wrote :)
> Best
> Sebastian
> On 21.06.2013, at 23:27, Jared Morrow < <javascript:_e({},
> 'cvml', '');>> wrote:
> Riak Users,
> We are pleased to announce the release of a performance and bugfix release
> on the Riak 1.3 series.  To those astute readers and Github repo watchers,
> we do still intend to release Riak 1.4.0 soon, but 1.3.2 are for those
> folks who want to stay on the 1.3.x family.
> Please take the time to look through the release notes, we have a lot of
> PR's closed in this release and some particularly notable changes are given
> dedicated paragraphs at the top.
> The release notes for Riak can be found here:
> The packages can be found here:
> Users who prefer to build from source, checkout the `riak-1.3.2` tag from
> It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway... thanks for being the
> best community of any open source project (pandering to the crowd, I know).
> Thanks,
> -Team Basho
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