
1) The only way I could get riak to start is if I use a private IP
address.  Using a public address does not work.  Why?

2) Now...great that I can riak working but how do I query from from a
remote machine?

Reading this did not help

I ran a 5 node cluster on datapipe without issues.  Going to aws on ec2 ..I
am having issues with the private IP addess.  I am not using a VPC and dont
want to.  Is a VPC required if using ec2?

Yes..I understand the merits of private IP address on ec2 and well as a VPC
but for this use case...I simply want write from outside of aws and run map
reduce debug testing.

In am.args

If I replace the private IP address with public.  Does not work

## Name of the riak node
-name riak@

In app.config....If I replace the private IP address with public.  Does not

            %% pb_ip is the IP address that the Riak Protocol Buffers
            %% will bind to.  If this is undefined, the interface will not
            {pb_ip,   "" },

              %% http is a list of IP addresses and TCP ports that the Riak
              %% HTTP interface will bind.
              {http, [ {"", 8098 } ]},

              %% https is a list of IP addresses and TCP ports that the Riak
              %% HTTPS interface will bind.
              %{https, [{ "", 8098 }]},

I have every port open and have group to group access but still no closer
on how to query from outside

What am I missing?


On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 1:19 PM, Tom Santero <tsant...@basho.com> wrote:

> Hi David,
> Sorry to hear you're having difficulties. From what I can tell, you're
> simply looking to spin up a new cluster, correct? If so, riak-admin cluster
> replace is not the command you want.
> If you're attempting to rename your riak nodes and bind them to an AWS
> EIP, you can follow these instructions [0] from the docs.
> Cheers,
> Tom
> [0]
> http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/cookbooks/Performance-Tuning-AWS/#Dealing-with-IP-addresses
> On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 4:55 AM, David Montgomery <
> davidmontgom...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to get riak to work on ubuntu 12.04 and is proving not to be
>> a friendly install on ec2.
>> 1) I am using riak_1.3.1-1_amd64.deb and have libssl0.9.8 installed
>> 2) I stop riak then run
>> riak-admin cluster replace riak@ r...@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
>> riak-admin cluster plan
>> riak-admin cluster commit
>> Attempting to restart script through sudo -H -u riak
>> Node is not running!
>> At the very bottom are the config files.  I change all of to
>> the public ip addres of the machine on ec2.  Kinda hard to mess up there I
>> am using chef. node[:ec2][:public_ipv4]
>> 3) The logs are not being very helpful.  What does the below mean in
>> english?
>> root@domU-12-31-39-0C-59-1D:/home/ubuntu# riak console
>> Attempting to restart script through sudo -H -u riak
>> Exec: /usr/lib/riak/erts-5.9.1/bin/erlexec -boot
>> /usr/lib/riak/releases/1.3.1/riak             -embedded -config
>> /etc/riak/app.config             -pa
>> /usr/lib/riak/lib/basho-patches             -args_file /etc/riak/vm.args --
>> console
>> Root: /usr/lib/riak
>> Erlang R15B01 (erts-5.9.1) [source] [64-bit] [smp:1:1] [async-threads:64]
>> [kernel-poll:true]
>> /usr/lib/riak/lib/os_mon-2.2.9/priv/bin/memsup: Erlang has closed.
>>                                                                    Erlang
>> has closed
>> {"Kernel pid
>> terminated",application_controller,"{application_start_failure,riak_core,{shutdown,{riak_core_app,start,[normal,[]]}}}"}
>> Crash dump was written to: /var/log/riak/erl_crash.dump
>> Kernel pid terminated (application_controller)
>> ({application_start_failure,riak_core,{shutdown,{riak_core_app,start,[normal,[]]}}})
>>  So..what could the issue be?  Is there a missing manual?  What did I
>> miss from the documentation on
>> http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/cookbooks/Basic-Cluster-Setup/
>>  %% Riak Client APIs config
>>  {riak_api, [
>>             %% pb_backlog is the maximum length to which the queue of
>> pending
>>             %% connections may grow. If set, it must be an integer >= 0.
>>             %% By default the value is 5. If you anticipate a huge number
>> of
>>             %% connections being initialised *simultaneously*, set this
>> number
>>             %% higher.
>>             %% {pb_backlog, 64},
>>             %% pb_ip is the IP address that the Riak Protocol Buffers
>> interface
>>             %% will bind to.  If this is undefined, the interface will
>> not run.
>>             {pb_ip,   "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" },
>>             %% pb_port is the TCP port that the Riak Protocol Buffers
>> interface
>>             %% will bind to
>>             {pb_port, 8087 }
>>             ]},
>>  %% Riak Core config
>>  {riak_core, [
>>               %% Default location of ringstate
>>               {ring_state_dir, "/var/lib/riak/ring"},
>>               %% Default ring creation size.  Make sure it is a power of
>> 2,
>>               %% e.g. 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 etc
>>               %{ring_creation_size, 64},
>>               %% http is a list of IP addresses and TCP ports that the
>> Riak
>>               %% HTTP interface will bind.
>>               {http, [ {"xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx", 8098 } ]},
>>               %% https is a list of IP addresses and TCP ports that the
>> Riak
>>               %% HTTPS interface will bind.
>>               %{https, [{ "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx", 8098 }]},
>> ## Name of the riak node
>> -name r...@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
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