Hi, Joe

Sorry for the disturb. Previous mail wasn't sent to the mail group.

Thank you for the reply.

I found the cause. On my macbook pro, I `brew install coreutils` and prepend 
the `libexec/gnubin` to $PATH.

After modifying $PATH back, the error gone away.

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在 2013年6月17日星期一,下午11:13,Joe Caswell 写道:

> The cpu_sup module is not a Basho/Riak module.  The specific error you noted 
> is discussed on the erlang-questions list here: 
> http://erlang.org/pipermail/erlang-questions/2008-May/034891.html
> It seems to be related to locales.  Perhaps setting the mentioned environment 
> variables when starting Riak would help?  Something like `LANG=C LC_ALL=C 
> riak start`
> Joe  
> From: goofansu <goofan...@gmail.com (mailto:goofan...@gmail.com)>
> Date: Sunday, June 16, 2013 11:30 PM
> To: <riak-users@lists.basho.com (mailto:riak-users@lists.basho.com)>
> Subject: One node reports cpu_sup error repeatedly
> Hi,
> I attached onto one node and see the console reporting errors every 5 seconds.
> Errors is like following:
> 11:25:33.130 [error] Error in process <0.7402.0> on node 'dev1@ 
> (mailto:'dev1@' with exit value: 
> {{badmatch,{error,{fread,float}}},[{cpu_sup,get_uint32_measurement,2,[{file,"cpu_sup.erl"},{line,283}]},{cpu_sup,measurement_server_loop,1,[{file,"cpu_sup.erl"},{line,585}]}]}
> I'm testing on my own macbook pro with "make devrel". Only one node reports 
> this error even after I restarted it.
> My env:
> System: OSX 10.8.4
> Erlang: R15B01
> --  
> goofansu
> 已使用 Sparrow (http://www.sparrowmailapp.com/?sig)
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