
Borrowing from a response to a similar thread a few days ago regarding
CS, this particular error message is misleading. In general it can be
treated as a 500 error.

Generally, it translates to Riak CS inability to speak to Stanchion
(which is used for creating users and buckets). Please confirm that
Stanchion is running with:

  sudo stanchion ping

Also, ensure that `stanchion_ip` is the same within Riak CS and
Stanchion's app.config.


On Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 7:06 AM, De Bunge <debu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm following guidelines and set up anomimous user creation
>      cat  /etc/riak-cs/app.config  | grep anonymous_user_creation
>      {anonymous_user_creation, true},
> and using post request to create admin user:
>>   curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
>>   -X POST `http://localhost:8080/riak-cs/user` \
>>   --data '{"email":"foo...@example.com", "name":"admin user"}'
> The response always is
>     <?xml version="1.0"
> encoding="UTF-8"?><Error><Code>ServiceUnavailable</Code><Message>Please
> reduce your request
> rate.</Message><Resource>/riak-cs/user</Resource><RequestId></RequestId></Error>
> No matter how long I wait (hours) between requests. What's wrong? How
> sould I create admin user?
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