Evening, Morning, Afternoon to All- Mark here. I hope this Recap finds you well. We've got a lot to cover: blogs, code, meetups in Baltimore and Silicon Valley, talks, videos, and more.
Of prime importance: we just released the first wave of RICON East videos. You can get to them via the shiny new Archive page: http://ricon.io/archive/2013/east.html We'll be rolling out ~5 new videos/week until they are done. And make sure to grab a RICON West ticket before they sell out. Enjoy, and thanks for being a part of Riak. Mark twitter.com/pharkmillups Riak Recap for May 29 - June 11 ------------------------------------------------ Josh Bush wrote up a post about how to get a Riak test cluster up and running. - http://freshbrewedcode.com/joshbush/2013/05/28/riak-dev-cluster-ubuntu/ Julien Genestoux at Superfeedr wrote a blog post about their Riak usage. - blog.superfeedr.com/google-reader-api-riak/ Will Laurance published another Riak-flavored library. This one is called " riakvm" and is CLI for building Riak instances. - https://github.com/wlaurance/riakvm Tom "Norman Wilson" Santero posted his slide deck from the Atlanta Riak Meetup. - https://speakerdeck.com/tsantero/operating-and-tuning-riak Basho Hacker Bryce Kerley managed to get Riak running on the Samsung ARM7 Chromebook. - http://blog.brycekerley.net/post/51819560503/riak-on-samsung-arm7- chromebook Byrce also added multi-get to the Riak Ruby Client - https://twitter.com/seancribbs/status/344541378560274433 Troy Melhase announced Zukai, an ODM for Riak and Node.js. - https://github.com/natural/zukai Theo Bot released Catalyst::Model::Riak 0.07 - http://search.cpan.org/~nltbo/Catalyst-Model-Riak/lib/Catalyst/Model/Riak .pm John Liao wrote a blog post about using MapReduce with CorrugatedIron. - http://jyliao.blogspot.com/2013/06/riak-mapreduce-with-f.html Pedro Teixeira and the CrowdProcess team released a new protocol buffers client for Node.js. - https://github.com/CrowdProcess/riak-pb Basho Hacker Eric Redmond was on the Tea Hour podcast talking about Riakand other, lesser-known databases. - http://teahour.fm/2013/06/03/databases-with-eric-redmond.html Bryce also added multi-get to the Riak Ruby Client - https://twitter.com/seancribbs/status/344541378560274433 Basho Hacker Ryan Zezeski posted slides from his "Yokozuna, Scaling Solrwith Riak" talk at Berlin Buzzwords. - https://speakerdeck.com/rzezeski/yokozuna-scaling-solr-with-riak Basho Hacker John Burwell is giving a talk on Riak CS and Cloudstack at the next Silicon Valley Riak Meetup. This one is happening on June 26th. - http://www.meetup.com/Silicon-Valley-Riak/events/124134742/ We just announced a Riak Meetup in Baltimore. The tentative date for this is July 18th. Talk and location details to come. - http://www.meetup.com/Baltimore-Riak-Meetup/
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