John, Eric,

thank you for your answers.
I understood that running Riak on one node is a bad idea. But having 5
nodes in cluster is too expensive for us right now.
Which settings I have to tune to get a decent performance on 3 node
cluster? 100% availability is not necessary for us but
small response time of get requests is "must have". I think I can set
n_val=2, r=1 and w=1 to achieve this. Is there something else?

On 10 June 2013 20:25, Eric Redmond <> wrote:

> Alexander,
> The simplest answer is that we never recommend running Riak on one node.
> The recommended minimum is 5, but you could possibly get away with 3 (the
> default repl value).
> There is a blog post about this from last year, explaining why:
> Eric
> On Jun 10, 2013, at 9:01 AM, Alexander Ilyin <>
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a question regarding setting the n_val.
> In the documentation (
> it is stated that:
> n_val must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to the number of
> actual nodes in your cluster to get all the benefits of replication.
> And, we advise against modifying the n_val of a bucket after its initial
> creation as this may result in failed reads because the new
> value may not be replicated to all the appropriate partitions.
> But this seems contradictory to me. Which value I have to set if I'm
> setting up one node right now but planning to add second one later?
> Setting n_val=2 means this value will be greater than actual number of
> nodes. But setting n_val=1 is also not advisable since
> I will have to change it later to n_val=2 (I'm planning to have two
> replicas in the end).
> I'm also concerned about the performance in case of one node and n_val=2.
> Will it degrade since both replicas are stored on the same server?
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