hi adron,
thanks for the reply, my current setup is simple, i have an node.js/express
website, where users can register and add content to mongodb hosted on
AppFog with Redis used for sessions. i like to move this over to riak.

i was looking at
it states that clients should be able to communicate to port 8089 or
8087 depending on what back-end you use, that is fine i understand this. so
in my case the client is the application on AppFog which 'talks' to the
riak cluster (CRUD)

where i am unsure/uneasy, is that AppFog uses a global IP address,
so with af-eu01-1982654436.eu-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com, as i
chose AWS for the deployment, but if i open the firewall to this IP address
then anyone with an AppFog application on AWS would be able to access my
riak cluster!

or am i missing something?

any advice much appreciated.

On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 5:18 AM, Adron Hall <ad...@basho.com> wrote:

> Hey Norman,
>   Could you elaborate on how you are currently planning to migrate and
> setup your cluster? Is it in another cloud provider such as AWS or Azure?
> From a connection point of view one could access the database directly
> from AppFog the same way as one would access any external (of AppFog)
> sysystem, but may need to have an appropriate API or network level of
> security put in place. I can elaborate more when I get a little better
> picture of how the architecture is being setup.
> Thanks,
> -Adron

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c in ",adym,*)&uzq^zqf" ] )
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