
You are correct, there should only be one instance of Stanchion.
Stanchion's role is to serve as a serialization point for requests that
create or modify system entities that need to be globally unique [1]. e.g.
Buckets or user accounts. These are entities where there is not enough
context available for that application-level conflict resolution to
function in a way that would maintain a good user experience. For example,
if two users were allowed to create the same bucket, there is not really a
good way to determine who should get to own it and the process of informing
the loser could be expensive and disruptive, especially if they were
allowed to begin loading data into that bucket. One thing we do to try and
avoid such a scenario is to serialize all bucket creation requests through
Stanchion. At this time it is a single application and this does represent
a single point of failure, but only for system operations involving
creation or modification of buckets or users. Object access is unaffected
if Stanchion is not running. Still, we realize this is less than ideal and
there is work being done now to let multiple nodes to work together to
eliminate this as a single point of failure.

[1] :


On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 5:22 PM, Mike O'Toole <mike.oto...@outlook.com>wrote:

> Im doing some analysis on object stores for an upcoming project and I am
> prototyping Riak-CS right now.  Im a little confused about Stanchions
> role in all this.  Is there really only supposed to be one stanchion
> instance per cluster?
> Regards, Mike
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