
Can you trying putting data with a second client simultaneously?  When
people have slow benchmarking, lots of times just using multiple
worker/clients helps.  Also, what client library are you using?

Also I meant to mention in my first reply, but Boundary wonders for us being able to see how much
data was really moving
around.  They have a free trial as far as I know.  It might be worth it to
see if there are any obvious bottlenecks.

Good luck,

On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 8:46 PM, Toby Corkindale <> wrote:

> On 28/05/13 01:41, Jared Morrow wrote:
>> Toby,
>> If you write with multiple clients does it still stick to 9mb/s or
>> does it increase?  What is the network link between your client and
>> the Riak CS cluster?  On our internal CS cluster we were seeing
>> around 2gb/s read+write at the network level so I know CS can take
>> the speeds, so my gut thinks you single client might have a slow
>> link.  That is just a guess.
> The network links are all Ethernet, and appear to be functioning OK.
> iperf reports:
> bandwidth from client to loadbalancer: 2.20 gbit/sec
> bandwidth from loadbalancer to a riak node: 941 mbit/sec
> bandwidth from one riak node to another node: 942 mbit/s
> I've tested going direct from a client to a riak node rather than via the
> loadbalancer, but it doesn't seem to make any difference.
> Having tested a bit further now, I'd guess that the problem lies with Riak
> rather than Riak CS.
> I've noticed that if I try to push files directly into Riak, they go
> fairly slowly too - around 10-20mbyte/sec.
> I've tried 3, 10 and 50 MB files, against bitcask, leveldb and even memory
> backends, and in all cases I get fairly consistent transfer rates in that
> range. (just using curl for testing here)
> I've tried reducing n_val to 1, there was a small but not significant
> improvement.
> I'm a bit stumped.. However I do note that the log files seem to have a
> lot of "monitor busy_dist_port" messages in them.. I'm wondering if that
> might be related somehow?
> T
>  On May 27, 2013, at 1:38 AM, Toby Corkindale
>> <toby.corkindale@**<>>
>> wrote:
>>  Hi, I seem to be getting significantly slower performance out of
>>> Riak CS than I expect to see, and I wondered if I could get some
>>> advice about where I might be going wrong.
>>> I have a cluster of six nodes, with fairly good sequential-write
>>> disk performance, for eg: # dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=1M count=500
>>> conv=fsync 524288000 bytes (524 MB) copied, 1.27205 s, 412 MB/s
>>> The riak partition is formatted as ext4, with data=writeback and
>>> barriers disabled.
>>> So given n_val=3, and six nodes with ~400MB/s transfer rates, you'd
>>> expect to see some pretty fast transfers, right?
>>> However the actual performance I'm getting is reliably a mere 9MB/s
>>> for a single client writing to the cluster. (On a 500M transfer)
>>> Is this kind of performance normal for this hardware? If not, could
>>> you give me some pointers about what to check?
>>> Thanks, Toby
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