This looks awesome, Jon. Keep us posted on where it goes. And don't be
scared to submit a CFP about this for RICON West [1]. :)



On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 1:21 AM, Joshua Muzaaya <> wrote:
> Thanks for this. I am going to check it out, and so should the others.
> On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 10:34 PM, Jon Brisbin <> wrote:
>> I'm stretching the legs on our new async framework Reactor [1] and I
>> created a quite small helper class to enable efficient async operation of
>> the official Java client. I'm calling it Riaktor (even though there's
>> apparently an old Ruby gem of the same name that hasn't been updated in
>> several years).
>> Since it uses Reactor, it also has OOTB Groovy love, which includes using
>> Closures as callbacks, etc… There's basically no documentation yet; only
>> what's in the tests. But if you're brave enough to try out something
>> completely new, I would love to get your feedback! :)
>> I've load-tested this to over 150,000 ops/sec using 2 threads via
>> Disruptor-based RingBufferDispatchers. Reactor itself can do 15M ops/sec on
>> my three-year-old MacBook Pro so the bottleneck is going to be the network
>> and your Riak cluster. But assuming you've got the bandwidth to handle it,
>> Riaktor can push to (and pull from) Riak very efficiently.
>> Once you've got some data in the client, the idea is that you'll want to
>> continue integrating with Reactor's async tools by doing compositions (map,
>> filter, reduce, etc… a la RxJava Observable). That's why Riaktor returns a
>> Promise for almost everything.
>> I'd be interested to get your feedback as it would directly feed back into
>> better Reactor features.
>> [1] -
>> Thanks!
>> Jon Brisbin
>> Twitter: @JonBrisbin
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> --
> *Muzaaya Joshua
> Systems Engineer
> +256774115170*
> *"Through it all, i have learned to trust in Jesus. To depend upon His Word"
> *
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