
I'm currently running 1.2.1 in production and I'm looking to upgrade to
1.3.1.  I install from source and everything runs nicely out of /<install
dir>/riak/.  I happen to use /db/riak/...

# ls /db/riak/
bin  data  erts-5.9.1  etc  lib  log  releases

I came across these two pages when trying to figure out my upgrade plan:


It all seems pretty straight forward, but the docs.basho.com page does not
mention the "riak-admin reformat-indexes" command as mentioned on the other
page.  I want to know if it is necessary for most typical upgrades?  I'm not
sure if it's something you do only when you are using secondary indexes or
what?  If it doesn't hurt to run regardless, then I have no problem doing

Assuming I make a backup of /data (which contains the following: bitcask 
kv_vnode  mr_queue  ring  ssl_distribution.args_file), here's what I think
my plan will be (the various commands to run) on each of the hosts during
the rolling upgrade:

/db/riak/bin/riak stop
<<install new code and preserve /data>>
/db/riak/bin/riak start
/db/riak/bin/riak-admin status
/db/riak/bin/riak-admin wait-for-service riak_kv riak@`hostname`
/db/riak/bin/riak-admin transfers
/db/riak/bin/riak-admin reformat-indexes   <--- maybe?

Does that seem about right?


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