I'm happy to finally launch "A Little Riak Book"[1] to the public. Sure, it's 
been available on github for a while now, but there was no website. Now it's an 
Official Thing. It's also totally, unregrettably, free (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0).

This is not meant to be an advanced or comprehensive book, just rather a short 
(60 pages or so) introduction to Riak. It's currently available in HTML, PDF, 
ePub and mobi (Kindle) formats. Soon there will also be a dead-tree version 
(about 95 pages), but you'll have to show up to a Basho event[2] to get one, 
whenever we get around to printing them which is entirely up to Tom Santero (so 
go ahead and bother him: tsant...@basho.com or @tsantero or by phone).

If you run into any problems, please feel free to log an issue on the book's 
github repo[3]. Or better yet, make, a pull request. Please don't respond to 
this announcement with issues, I may miss it.

Thanks to many people who have helped, and continue to help keep me honest, 

John Daily
Bob Ippolito
Ricardo Tomé Gonçalves
Macneil Shonle
And everyone else who submitted an issue, patch, or constructive comments.

Eric Redmond

[1]: http://littleriakbook.com/
[2]: http://basho.com/events
[3]: https://github.com/coderoshi/little_riak_book

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