I've considered packaging separate files for configuring the limit for people, 
but the user in me always felt like that was something the sysadmin should have 
a say in. I rather dislike packages that make system changes without my 
knowledge or consent.  Maybe that is just me?

I do agree that the documentation should be updated.  We do take PRs ;)


On May 15, 2013, at 10:54 PM, Toby Corkindale 
<toby.corkind...@strategicdata.com.au> wrote:

> On 16/05/13 14:39, Toby Corkindale wrote:
>> On 16/05/13 14:24, Jared Morrow wrote:
>>> Well the riak-cs / riak / stanchion scripts all drop privileges using
>>> sudo.  On RHEL/Centos this sudo exec carries the settings from the
>>> calling user (in the case of init.d, root) so things are fine there.  On
>>> Ubuntu/Debian that does not always work.  So if you set the ulimit for
>>> the root user, it might not propagate through to the riak-cs / riak /
>>> stanchion users.
>>> So to change that, you should try to change it in
>>> /etc/security/limits.conf.
>> My understanding is that only sessions opened through PAM will be
>> effected by the limits.d/* config files. ie. Not daemon processes.
>> (I've checked this anyway with the following
>> /etc/security/limits.d/riakcs.conf:
>> riak-cs        hard    nofile        32002
>> riak-cs        soft    nofile        32001
>> )
>> As noted previously, this problem was not occurring on the current
>> Ubuntu LTS nodes; just the Debian Squeeze ones. Which makes it
>> particularly odd.
>> Thanks for your help so far; I'll continue to investigate and report
>> back if I find a solution.
> I realised that the Riak CS user was called "riakcs" and not "riak-cs".
> Once I changed that in the limits.d/riakcs.conf file, riakcs started working 
> without the file warning.
> I also added in a line for the regular "riak" user while I was there.
> May I suggest you add this to the debian/ubuntu packages by default?
> (ie. a file in /etc/security/limits.d/ )
> Cheers,
> Toby
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