Hi Collin If you did not import the class in your php file, you need to use the fully qualified name which is \Basho\Riak\Riak like this:
$client = new \Basho\Riak\Riak('', 8098); The name change form RiakClient to Riak happened recently (probably as part of the PSR1 and PSR2 refactoring). Br. Kaspar Bach Pedersen Den 12/05/2013 kl. 22.38 skrev coLLin LeGault <clega...@nextgengeek.com<mailto:clega...@nextgengeek.com>>: I saw composer.json in riak-php-client and google'd it (never heard of it before). Installed it and ran it and changed my require to: require_once('./riak-php-client/vendor/autoupdate.php'); Now I am getting this error: PHP Fatal error: Class 'RiakClient' not found in /root/storeinriak.php on line 3 Digging further in I don't find any reference to RiakClient in any of the src files, but I do find a Riak class. So I changed the source code to new Riak(''. '8098'); only to get the same error, but this time for no Riak class. Is this client library supported? Is anyone using it? I can't find much of anything online when searching for any information about using this client library. There is an example riak_php_app listed on the basho site from the community, but it doesn't exist anymore on github. I found the doxygen docs at Basho's website, but even they are out of date: http://basho.github.io/riak-php-client/. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, coLLin Thanks, coLLin email: clega...@nextgengeek.com<mailto:clega...@nextgengeek.com> web: http://www.nextgengeek.com<http://www.nextgengeek.com/> twitter: @clegault On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 3:24 PM, coLLin LeGault <clega...@nextgengeek.com<mailto:clega...@nextgengeek.com>> wrote: Hi folks, I am relatively new to Riak. I was trying to get something working with the PHP client library by following the quick start in the README.md. When I clone this repo (found here: https://github.com/basho/riak-php-client) I do get a directory called riak-php-client, but there is no riak.php in that directory. I found a Riak.php in src/Basho/Riak/, but that doesn't work either. Are the docs out of date? The example follows: require_once('riak-php-client/riak.php'); # Connect to Riak $client = new RiakClient('', 8098); # Choose a bucket name $bucket = $client->bucket('test'); # Supply a key under which to store your data $person = $bucket->newObject('riak_developer_1', array( 'name' => "John Smith", 'age' => 28, 'company' => "Facebook" )); # Save the object to Riak $person->store(); # Fetch the object $person = $bucket->get('riak_developer_1'); # Update the object $person->data['company'] = "Google"; $person->store(); Thanks, coLLin email: clega...@nextgengeek.com<mailto:clega...@nextgengeek.com> web: http://www.nextgengeek.com<http://www.nextgengeek.com/> twitter: @clegault _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list riak-users@lists.basho.com<mailto:riak-users@lists.basho.com> http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list riak-users@lists.basho.com http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com