I am trying to understand the re-reduce aspect with Riak. Riak reduces
mapped data in stages/batches (default:20) and apparently the reduce
function needs to take this into account.

After much googling I have not found any examples of "js/python re-reduce
in action".

The input bucket has over 100 keys but after the reduce function the result
has only 2 values.

This has been attributed to the reduce needing to be run multiple times and
"*Every iteration gets a batch of results from preceding phase together
with any output from earlier reduce phase iteration(s).*"

What does JS/Python code for re-reduce look like and how do I need to
change the bit below.


Code for Map/Reduce does not work:

import riak
client = riak.RiakClient()
query = riak.RiakMapReduce(client).add('raw_hits10')"""function(v) {
          var data = JSON.parse(v.values[0].data);
          return [[data, 1]];

query.reduce("""function(vk, arg) {
             var res = {};
             for (var indx in vk) {
                var key_t = vk[indx][0];
                var val_t = vk[indx][1];
                res[key_t] = vk[indx];
             return [res]

for res in
    print res
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