Hey Mathias,

this is awesome news, thanks for your work! I'll see what I can do to test the 
new version against production traffic.

One question though: I don't know the work of Andrew, but do you support real 
HTTP keep alive? (not node.js' pseudo keep alive). I had to implement my own 
http agent and inject it into a previous version of riak-js to get useful 
performance. I'd like to drop that hack.



On 03.05.2013, at 17:55, Mathias Meyer <me...@paperplanes.de> wrote:

> Heya,
> Just shipped riak-js 0.10.0, with support for Protocol Buffers: 
> https://npmjs.org/package/riak-js
> To use protobufs, specify a different API option when creating a client:
> var riak = require('riak-js').getClient({api: 'protobuf'})
> I'd love to have some feedback on how the protobuffs support works with real 
> workloads, if anyone feels like trying it out. Please report any issues 
> you're seeing: https://github.com/mostlyserious/riak-js/issues
> Currently it's still using a single connection, but I'll work on adding 
> connection pooling next. Already merged Andrew J. Stone's support for pooled 
> HTTP connection into the current master, will work off that for protobuffs as 
> well.
> Thanks to Nathan LaFreniere for his awesome riakpbc and protobuf.js 
> libraries, which helped me a lot!
> Cheers, Mathias
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