Thanks Dmitri and Matt for the info, those are very helpful.  The short
version is great, will dive into the links more.

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 2:16 PM, Dmitri Zagidulin <>wrote:

> Tom,
> In addition to Matt's links above, I would recommend to take a look at the
> following pages:
> and
> The short version is:
> * RAM is important, especially with Bitcask. I personally wouldn't give
> nodes less than 16GB each, though I suppose they could run with 8. (The
> reason I mention Bitcask, is because it stores all of its keys in memory,
> and if you have too many keys and too little memory, you're going to run
> out. See
>  a calculator that can help you ensure how much RAM you need, if you
> know how many millions of keys you're going to store, and how large each
> one is)
> * Disk IO speed is very important, and is usually the bottleneck for
> clusters. RAID or SSDs are helpful. If you're running on AWS, disk IO is
> especially killer, so spring for sufficient Provisioned IOPS.
> * Network bandwidth is important (between the nodes). If your cluster has
> the default replication setting of N=3, each read or write request to a
> node results in potentially 3 network requests to other nodes (this is in
> addition to background-level "gossip" between the nodes, as they try and
> maintain consistency, perform read-repair and so on). So basically, use the
> fastest network speed you can afford (that makes sense for your
> application). If you can spring for Gigabit+, go for it. If the application
> is especially time-sensitive and is under high load, it may make sense to
> have 2 network adapters for each node -- one for external client requests,
> and one for internal inter-node traffic.
> * If you're running on AWS, your minimum instance size should be m1.large,
> though really, you should use xlarge. (And don't forget about those PIOPS).
> Does that help clarify?
> Dmitri
> On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 7:11 PM, Matt Black <>wrote:
>> There's a lot of information in here:
>> And the sister article, specific to AWS:
>> As ever with Riak, the answer to your question depends on what you're
>> doing :)
>> On 23 April 2013 02:07, Tom Zeng <> wrote:
>>>  Hi,
>>> I am wondering if there are any docs/recommendations on server hardware
>>> specs for production Riak instances - cores, clock speed, network
>>> interfaces/bandwidth, hard drive raid vs ssd, and etc.
>>> Tom
>>> Thanks,
>>> --
>>> Tom Zeng
>>> Director of Engineering
>>> Intridea, Inc. |
>>> (o) 888.968.4332 x519
>>> (c) 240-643-8728
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Tom Zeng
Director of Engineering
Intridea, Inc. |
(o) 888.968.4332 x519
(c) 240-643-8728
riak-users mailing list

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