I've been experimenting with a port of my application from single-node
BerkeleyDB backend to Riak, with some promising results. Features #1 and #3
are excellent news, and will definitely result in increased performance.

Thanks for keeping us posted on your work,

On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 4:48 PM, Martin Sumner

> I've been working on an experimental branch to offer some improvements to
> the functionality and performance of 2i queries in Riak:
> https://github.com/martinsumner/riak_kv
> Explanation:
> https://github.com/martinsumner/riak_kv/blob/master/docs/index_speedup.md
> There are four basic features that are included:
> 1. The ability to pin particular 2i indexes into memory (without loss of
> consistency on restart of a node)
> 2. The ability to set partition-level static bloom filters for particular
> 2i indexes to greatly reduce the disk overheads of exact-term queries with
> small result sets (e.g. for queries by a secondary identifier such as email
> address)
> 3. The ability to return indexterms, not just keys as results of a query -
> so that those terms can be overloaded with additional information which can
> then be filtered by the application without requiring a M/R stage (note
> this is already available via Russell Brown's branch -
> https://github.com/basho/riak_kv/tree/pt34-index-values)
> 4. The ability to pass a regular expression to the query iterator - so
> that range queries will be filtered based on matches to that regular
> expression (for example allowing for non-trailing wildcards) before
> returning the keys and terms
> Testing is slight at the moment, both functionally and non-functionally.
>  This is still very-much an experiment.  We're hoping to do some full scale
> volume testing on the branch in the next couple of weeks.
> The branch has been developed to solve some problems we have with edge
> cases in our implementation for the NHS in England - where we have to
> support tracing across an 80M record demographic database.  I'd be
> interested if people thought it had value in other environments.
> Regards
> Martin
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