Hi Bhuwan,

That error usually means that you are overloading your cluster in some
To fix this you could try a rolling restart of your nodes.

To find the root cause though, can you reply with the following information:

What are the ulimit settings on your riak machines?
Are you running a lot of MapReduce jobs?
Can you clean and attach the logs here?


On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 2:42 PM, Bhuwan Chawla <bhu...@zanthos.com> wrote:

> I'm seeing tons of errors in our log files and not sure what they mean
> (Riak 1.2.1):
> error.log
> <0.314.0>@riak_pipe_vnode:new_worker:766 Pipe worker startup
> failed:fitting was gone before startup
> erlang.log
> [error] Pipe worker startup failed:fitting was gone before startup
> Any advice is greatly appreciated :-)
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