Hi Tom,

Here is an example that runs from the Riak console and dumps all keys of a 
bucket to a file and shows how stream_list_keys can be used:

-define(TIMEOUT, 10000000).
%% @spec list_keys_to_file(binary(), string()) ->
%%       ok | {error, term()}
list_keys_to_file(Bucket, File) when is_binary(Bucket) andalso is_list(File) ->
    {ok, C} = riak:local_client(),
    case file:open(File, [write]) of 
        {ok, IoDev} ->
            C:stream_list_keys(Bucket, ?TIMEOUT),
        {error, Reason} ->
            {error, Reason}
write_keys_to_file(IoDev) ->
        {_, {keys,Keys}} ->
            Output = [[K, <<"\n">>] || K <- Keys],
          file:write(IoDev, Output),
        {_, From, {keys,Keys}} ->
            Output = [[K, <<"\n">>] || K <- Keys],
            file:write(IoDev, Output),
        {_, done} ->
        M ->
            {error, unexpected_message, M}

Although there are times when this is useful to use, it is NOT recommended for 
production use as it has to traverse ALL keys stored in the cluster, see: 

Best regards,


On 16 Apr 2013, at 15:49, tom kelly <ttom.ke...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi List,
> I'm experimenting with riak 1.3.1 and I've started a cluster with two nodes, 
> connected from a dev node and wrote & read a few test keys and everything was 
> looking good. I was in the process of writing a few functions we'll need in 
> our system, one of which needs to cycle through all the keys at startup, 
> stream_list_keys looked like it would do the job but I've just noticed this 
> strange behavior:
> (a...@dev1.bfast.com)41> 
> (a...@dev1.bfast.com)41> DB:stream_list_keys(<<"test">>).
> {ok,2583625}
> (a...@dev1.bfast.com)42> DB:stream_list_keys(<<"test">>).
> {ok,98542259}
> (a...@dev1.bfast.com)43> DB:stream_list_keys(<<"test">>).
> {ok,83513611}
> (a...@dev1.bfast.com)44> DB:stream_list_keys(<<"test">>).
> {ok,112529022}
> (a...@dev1.bfast.com)45> DB:stream_list_keys(<<"test">>).
> {ok,66267591}
> (a...@dev1.bfast.com)46> DB:stream_list_keys(<<"test">>).
> {ok,90620806}
> (a...@dev1.bfast.com)47> DB:stream_list_keys(<<"test">>).
> {ok,24108838}
> (a...@dev1.bfast.com)48> DB:stream_list_keys(<<"test">>).
> {ok,17013899}
> (a...@dev1.bfast.com)49> DB:stream_list_keys(<<"test">>).
> {ok,48399864}
> (a...@dev1.bfast.com)50> flush().
> Shell got {2583625,{<5272.17627.0>,#Ref<5272.0.0.95523>},{keys,[<<1>>]}}
> Shell got {98542259,{<5272.17656.0>,#Ref<5272.0.0.95733>},{keys,[<<1>>]}}
> Shell got {83513611,{<5272.17670.0>,#Ref<5272.0.0.95901>},{keys,[<<1>>]}}
> Shell got {112529022,{<5272.17683.0>,#Ref<5272.0.0.96064>},{keys,[]}}
> Shell got {66267591,{<5272.17698.0>,#Ref<5272.0.0.96224>},{keys,[]}}
> Shell got {90620806,{<5272.17708.0>,#Ref<5272.0.0.96375>},{keys,[<<1>>]}}
> Shell got {24108838,{<5272.17717.0>,#Ref<5272.0.0.96482>},{keys,[<<1>>]}}
> Shell got {17013899,{<5272.17731.0>,#Ref<5272.0.0.96638>},{keys,[<<1>>]}}
> Shell got {48399864,{<5272.17736.0>,#Ref<5272.0.0.96767>},{keys,[]}}
> ok
> The key <<1>> was written over an hour ago and these successive calls to 
> stream_list_keys are ~2 seconds apart, The key isn't always in the first keys 
> message returned and there's only ever one message returned per call. From 
> the comments in the source I expected all the keys to be returned followed by 
> the done message.
> Am I misunderstanding or misusing anything here? Any pointers welcomed.
> Thanks,
> //TTom.
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