Hi Rob,

If you print the fields in the document you retrieved from Riak, does it appear 
to be an older version? Could there perhaps be some problem with 
serialisation/de-serialisation of the data?



On 12 Apr 2013, at 07:30, Erik Søe Sørensen <e...@trifork.com> wrote:

> Is there any chance that the key in question exists in the bucket prior to 
> the test? If so, then you should update the value (read+write) instead of 
> trying to create it as a whole new object. This has to do with the nature of 
> vector clocks.
> /Erik [not familiar with the Python client API]
> -------- Oprindelig meddelelse --------
> Fra: Rob Speer <r...@luminoso.com>
> Dato:
> Til: riak-users Users <riak-users@lists.basho.com>
> Emne: Am I misunderstand read and write quorum? Or am I losing writes?
> My understanding is that if you write a document to a cluster of 4 riak 
> servers with w='quorum', then read from that same cluster with r='quorum', 
> that the read should reflect the result of the right.
> My understanding is also that, in the Python client (version 5525f4f3, from 
> master), w = r = 'quorum' by default.
> And yet, the following check in my code fails occasionally:
> riak_obj = bucket.new(docid, doc)
> riak_obj.store()
> echo_doc = bucket.get(docid).data
> for field in doc:
>    assert doc[field] == echo_doc[field], (doc, echo_doc)
> I thought perhaps my W and R settings were wrong and I was just getting 
> "eventual consistency", so I tried a very slow version where I waited five 
> seconds before reading the updated document. This seems to fail just as 
> often. So it doesn't just seem like I'm reading a write that hasn't happened 
> yet; it seems that the occasional write may _never happen at all_.
> Have I misunderstood something? If not, why would this happen, and how can I 
> track it down?
> -- Rob
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